December Was A Long Year Lyrics

she fell from grace
since her tragedy came true
since then she's been running
not knowing what to do

you fall away from me
you're always falling away
from the one you want to be
and the ones you love

december was a long year
still running from your pain
facades and walls, they find me
and i never felt the same
i'm riddled in these board games
but i'm bored with the game

you fall away from me
you're always falling away
from the one you want to be
and the one you love

you fall away from me
you're always falling away
from the one you want to be
and the one you love

and you fall
you fall
you fall away
fall away...
Song Info
Submitted by
brokenpromises On May 25, 2002
12 Meanings
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damn this song is soo good such great lyrics such genius The Beautiful Mistake is amazing

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this is such a great song, i cannot wait for the full length...its gonna kick ass

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Ahh this is an awsome song and its quite obvious that the full length will kick major major ass

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i don't get the name of the song.

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I love this song, it's all I've heard from Beautiful Mistakes..I think it's beautiful.

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THANK YOU SONG MEANINGS!!! haha... i saw for a friend as the newest lyric posted... and i thought it sounded cool... so i checked it out and downloaded this song... it's amazing!!! i really really really like it. his voice kinda reminds me of the vocalist from face to face... but these guys are way better. woo hoo!

An error occured. Armin the persian drumer ROCKS!

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This is my fav song by TBM :)

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??? is facades

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facades...literally it's the front of a building, but "putting up a facade" can mean putting up your guard or a front over your real personality. and i think that really fits with the song. i adore this song and the band...great guys that make great music.

and yeah armin does rock.

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