4 Meanings
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Across The Great Divide Lyrics

over mountains that's where my love lives
a long long ride to sunland here where i did this

across the great divide alone wondering open afraid and
arriving alive unknown unknown unwise and unaided

if i could i might
send my love on a plane ride
a black cross high in a blue sky
a green cross gliding on a million pines

across the great divide alone wondering open afraid and
arrive in a life unknown unknown unwise and unaided

across the great divide alone wondering open afraid and
try to find a life unknown unknown unwise and unaided
4 Meanings
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this song is so beautiful, I play it on my ukulele when all else seems to fail. I find myself singing it out of the blue, just to make myself feel better. I love this song.

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to me, this song is all about starting over, with all its fears and wonders as to what lays ahead.

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA A UKULELE, you fucking hillbilly!

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I am amused that the person before chose to insult someone for something they said five year ago.

Anyway, it's a pretty clear meaning, as many of their songs are. I like this one though, it's very pretty. I got the album this tracks is named for, total blind buy, and I think I love every song on it.

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