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Fuck Yr Fans! Lyrics

i'm going to kill you...
Get outta my fucking life i waited my whole life
you ruined my fuckin life stop living my fuckin
life You dumb bitch i luv Get outta my fuckin town
grew up in this fuckin town You queen of my
fuckin town You ruined my fuckin town You dum
bitch i luv Get out of yer fuckin scene if you know
what i fuckin mean always yer fuckin scene i hate
yer fuckin scene You dum bitch i luv Yer breakin
my fuckin heart you think yer so fuckin smart i'll
tear yer lie apart YOU HAVE NO FUCKIN HEART
Song Info
Submitted by
x_melancholy_x On May 23, 2002
1 Meaning
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I think this song is about the Riot Grrrl movement, and all the troubles that were in it. The title 'Fuck Yr Fans' does not mean to literally sleep with your fans, but is more of a big f-you to them. Why? Perhaps, it shows the eliteism (sp?) or that some of the fans Riot Grrrl attracted weren't exactly nice people.

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