Les Jours Tristes Lyrics
Hard, not to sit on your hands,
Burrow your head in the sand,
Hard, not to make other plans
And claim that you've done all you can,
All alone
And life
Must go on.
Hard, to stand up for what's right
And bring home the bacon each night,
Hard, not to break down and cry,
When every ideal that you tried
Has been wrong.
But you must
Carry on.
It's hard,
But you know it's worth the fight,
Cause you know you've got the truth on your side,
When the accusations fly.
Hold tight!
Don't be afraid of what they'll say.
Who cares what cowards think? Anyway,
They will understand one day,
One day.
Hard, when you're here all alone
And everyone else's gone home.
Harder to know right from wrong
When all objectivity's gone
And it's gone.
But you still
Carry on.
You are the only one left
And you've got to clean up this mess.
You know you'll end up like the rest
Bitter and twisted - unless
You stay strong
And you
Carry on.

"And don't be afraid of what they'll say Who cares what cowards think, anyway They will understnad one day, one day"
I really like this part in the song because to me it means you can do whatever you want to and though people will make fun of you, it will be okay. You shouldn't care what they say because they're too afraid to even try what you're doing..but one day..they'll see it wasnt too silly and they'll wish they would have joined in on the fun =)

For me it means that most people are cowards. Most people are frightenous from new things. The minority isn't very inteligent, imaginative or tollerant. Most people don't care much for the small things in live. They yearn for security and continuity. The majority is the frustated working till death class, whose most care is not to get older, that gas wont cost too much, that they are respected, and how to earn the next bucks and maybe how to spand them. They dont understand how anybody may have other priorities.

" 'cause you, you are the only one left And you've got to clean up this mess You know you'll end up like the rest Bitter and twisted, unless You stay strong and you carry on"
even if its hard sometimes we must stay true to oueselfs because otherwise...by changing and becoming cold or loosing our childish and naive ways we tend to loose our charm...what we are all about...what ppl should like in us...what the important people do/or will like

Gorgeous, gorgeous song. Neil Hannon sings this beautifully.

i do agree with each and everyone of you, this song just made me wipe off the dust and start all over again. i know it's worth the fight and who cares what other people say?? that's why i

Hurtinglikeyou, I agree with that those lyrics are really cool (not that you are going to know since you wrote that over 6 years ago lol), but I completely disagree with your interpretation. In fact I think it is almost opposite to the actual message of the song which you made sound like some anthem to being weird.
This song is about doing the HARD thing (which the lyrics state over and over again), not the fun thing. This song is certainly not about doing "whatever you want to", it is about doing what you have to do (cleaning up some mess someone made, to be specific). What you are doing is so hard that it is "hard not to break down and cry"; people are certainly not going to wish they had joined in what you are doing, except for the fact it was the right thing to do.
I like you interpretation mandate439, but this song was written too long ago for that.

I see it that it shows in the hardest of times, there is always a way through the problem. That you shouldn't care about what people think regardless how hard it is.
I think it also means that all people will experience difficult times throughout life, yet they occur at different stages, some young and some old. Showing the significance of "they will understand one day."
I believe that Yann Tiersen is trying to depict the idea that when life does get trying we must carry on to the best of our ability, and that everything will become OK with time

period! hurtinglikeyou said it all!

bonnie, great explanation.

the music in this song sounds like it could've been background music for anything off of tom waits' album "rain dogs"