4 Meanings
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She's My Heroine Lyrics

I can't weep only cry
I can move, I deny
See my smile, eat, eat, eat
Fe fe feed you, so damm sweet
She's calling

She's my heroine
She's my heroine
Fingers going down, down
She's my heroine

You're too weird
Creep, creep, creep
Smiley faces so discrete
La la lover evil Eyes
I can't sleep for her lies
She's calling, she's crawling

Smashed you in the face
Up against the wall
(There's) no one I can call

She's my heroine
She's my heroine
She's my heroine
She's my heroine
4 Meanings
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I completely disagree with everything that's been said. It's about dealing with Bulimia Nervosa. Heroine=female hero as well as addiction. Those who suffer of this disorder have kind of a goddess figure as their inner voice, telling them what to do and what not to do. They worship her. That suits the words 'fingers going down' meaning she is forcing herself to vomit in order to stay thin and please her heroine. 'there's no one I can call' means she can't escape her no matter how she tries, because she is inside her head. 'eat,eat,eat' refers the eating frenzies those people have afterwhich they go to the bathroom. Then 'feed you so damn sweet'- unlike in anorexia they don't starve theirself and they do eat, often sweet things to fill their hunger quickly.

I know this explanation doesn't cover all the words of the song, but looking at how thin Skin is, I reckon it's precise.

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about a lover of skin's who's cheated on her ("creep, creep, creep/i can't sleep for her lies...") and she's in denial about it, but when she has sex with her, she forgets all about and starts adoring her again ("fingers going down..." = lesbian sex?) oh and the line after "up against the wall" is "still your secrets safe, there's no one i can call".

thats just my take on it.

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About complete surrender for the urges that keep you with that person that is so fatal for you. You know she is bad for you, and you still give in to her because you can not not. Its a very dark and yet seductive place, because you feel so good while being destroyed.

The addictive person in this song seems to feed off of the protagonist's weakness, or at least completely ignore the ill she might be doing her.

I love the wordplay of the title.

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Wow, I love that bit where she sings "Fingers going down, down, she's my heroine"...filled with so much pain and almost desperation.

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