The Mark Of Your Letter Lyrics

Goodbye my love. Goodbye all those sweet kisses. Goodbye to closeness. goodbye all those sweet wishes. When you, you left my life. The scar of your love never said goodbye. It's just so hard when you find that one thing, inside you heart you never knew you had. You meant more to me than my own life. You meant so much more. Looking back on all those things we had, those precious memories, leave me so sad. Knowing that I'm losing you, its true. You're my angel sent down just for me. I can't live without you after all the love you've shown me. You're shown me so much about my life and how to open my inside. Goodbye my love. Goodbye all those sweet kisses. Goodbye to closeness, goodbye all those sweet wishes. When you, you left my life. The scar of your love never said goodbye. Just know in your, inside your heart, you meant everything to me.
5 Meanings
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fo sho.

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this song owns...

just know in your,inside your heart,you meant everything to me

oh my freaking gosh,what studs..the screaming is well done also.i love this band!!!such tight lyrics and vocals

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omg i LOVE this song, it speaks everything i feel!!!

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yeh this song is fricken nuts...the song seems to be put together really technically too....they show talent

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yeah this band for sure rocks

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