Wishing For Brighter Days Lyrics

What do this past two years mean to you? to me, it was everything, and all I had was this dream that was ripped away by you. The last four days changed the past two years. I never would have imagined you'd leave me here. Its all I wanted, one cherished kiss from you, before its over and we leave this place all behind. I remember every time you lips touch mine, how it was heaven, but was it all a lie? Was i ever really good enough for you? Looking back on the last two years, I've wasted so much time and shed too many years, hoping you would stay around. On the verge of a dream, free from you. The last four days changed the past two years, I never would have imagined you would leave me here.
3 Meanings
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this is EXACTLY how i feel right this second, 2 years of everthing and the past 4 days have changed it all

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this song kicks major trash.....i am totally in love with this girl for like 2 years we have been together....and this is now the second time she has broken my heart.....and she always told me she'd always be there...but i guess thast all for show.......cause now im just sitting here alone hoping she wuld stay around

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man this song is rockin, i love the break down part towards the end of it... of these guys are so good. hey can anybody get me a track list? i'm still waiting to order this album online, so i only have it on MP3 so i don't have 'em in order... .....great band.........

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