What It Takes To Feel Normal Again Lyrics

I'm dead inside. How can you look into the cold night sky and see your breath? The very evidence of life then look inside just to find, your dead. Look inside just to find. I took my last breath, years ago. Now a burnt out shell without a glimpse of hope. Focused on all the pain, I just give up. I cant live my life this way, I've had enough. I'm dead inside. So dead from all my past mistakes. Thats why i am here. With this emptyness in my soul. The only way to save me is with your love. The only thing to make me feel normal again.
1 Meaning
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yeah heaaa, first comment on a dopemetal song. This is another sick band right up there with PTW. I love the catchy guitar breakdowns when he's singing "My past mistakes", In my soul", "the only thing that makes me feel". It sound so awesome and original. saved by grace rocks, and YOU rock, ROCK!!!!!

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