For The Pooring Rain Lyrics

Come inside,
here it’s nice and warm
have a cup of tea
I just go and get some cookies

From the pooring rain,
when it turns november,
oh, we are a useless lot
looking after our weaker neighbours

come tell me your story,
I’ll try to be patient,
I will listen,
I might even ask some questions

From the silent crowd,
when everything turns faster,
oh, we are a useless lot
looking after our weaker neighbours

Because this is a small town ( this is a small town )
you can recognize their faces ( recognize their faces )
this is a small town,
so what about big cities?

So have a good night,
I hope they do provide
beds with clean and cozy sheets,
and remember: you can come again if you like!

From the pooring rain,
when it turns november
oh, we are a useless lot
looking after our weaker neighbours

You can come again if you like!
Song Info
Submitted by
planes On May 22, 2002
0 Meanings
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