Brazenhead Lyrics
This is one we’re gonna record, so I want you to participate just a little bit in the beginning. Just clap your hands a little bit. You're going to be on the record. All right, Thank you. A little bit Louder. Louder. Louder.
Is Functioning so Beatuifully
Fire up all the Primary Engines
Calculate the Projected Nexus
Not Striaght enough to Make the Perfect Structure.
Indigenous Life Must be in Agreemnet
Like One Meaning Some and Zero Meaning Nothing.
While Maintaining Geodesic Statis
Anomaly Detected
No Previous Known Cases.
Not Striaght enough to Make the Perfect Structure.
Indigenous Life Must be in Agreemnet
Like One Meaning Some and Zero Meaning Nothing.
With Legs the size of Rockets
Analyze Its Orgone Lovels
Swtich Veiw to Kaleidoscopic
Not Striaght enough to Make the Perfect Structure.
Indigenous Life Must be in Agreemnet
Like One Meaning Some and Zero Meaning Nothing.

This seems to be the tale of a class 4 probe in the AI hive, or something akin to that. Actually a swarm of class 4 probes working together might be the best way to look at it. The star trek universe has something called a class 4 probe. These probes are basically shot out to study strange things that show up. They are absolutely disposable and the first thing people say when something strange happens is launch a class 4 probe. There are other classes of probe, but who really cares.
It sees an anomaly and has to make sense of it. The parts you probably have problems with are due to you not understanding the actual logic that is involved with AI as opposed to with computers in general. The lines about zero and one are referring to classical logic or binary. Now our lil probe has seen something that his lil electronic brain can't handle. Something that does not match any of the graphs it has. This is what the geodesic stasis bit is referring to... being the lil electronic autistic homunculi that they are, they want everything to work out perfectly. Now a perfect graph is a perfect circle, but woe unto our lil disposable buddy this is something he's never seen before so he needs to make it fit. The part about stretching the edge of the rondure is talking about stretching the circle, or exploration making the true part bigger. Instead of breaking he switches to the logic that can make sense of the unknown by comparing it to the known.Taking a good plane and shaving off the edges is talking about the process of making the sense of the anomaly. Orgone is an outdated construct in biology, it basically means lifeforce. To the AIs i assume it is some more tangible thing, a way to distinguish metal machine from meat machine. A fancy way of saying life signs, but i prefer elan vital. The Kaleidoscope program is a bit tricky to explain, first we should explain that we often use colors as examples of varying degrees of truth, white true black false gray indeterminate. All the shades in between these points needs to be taken care of and the answer is vectors. Where the vectors converge is the projected nexus. The crossroads of all the predictions from the different points of view. So Kaleidoscope kind of captures all these ideas of the different facets of a hive mind coming together to figure out something unknown, it really is a brilliant way of describing the inter-subjective process.
The real question is what is the hive looking at? "A colossal liquid insect with legs the size of rockets"

i think it's talking about an insect if not a plane or helicopter.
It has to do with the tower of babel
It has to do with the tower of babel
"The Kaleidoscope Program" is in regard to a projected beauty
"The Kaleidoscope Program" is in regard to a projected beauty
"Calculate the Projected Nexus" the nexus is the bridge between heaven and earth
"Calculate the Projected Nexus" the nexus is the bridge between heaven and earth
"Take a Good Plane and shave off all the edged Not Striaght enough to Make the Perfect Structure." cutting stones to fit but not taking the time to do it presicly.
"Take a Good Plane and shave off all the edged Not Striaght enough to Make the Perfect Structure." cutting stones to fit but not taking the time to do it presicly.
"Continue Stretching the Edge of the Rondure, While Maintaining Geodesic Statis" stretching the rondure is meaning less, rondure isn't a word. but I think it is an iturperted atmosphere. geodesic...
"Continue Stretching the Edge of the Rondure, While Maintaining Geodesic Statis" stretching the rondure is meaning less, rondure isn't a word. but I think it is an iturperted atmosphere. geodesic means to conform to earth.
that is the best i can do