The People In Front Of Us At The Movie Theater Lyrics

It seems so long
The group still going strong
Our humorous proclivities
Made for fun activities

We came together one day
Our differences were pushed away
To the end...
Never again

We'll never be the same
Forgotten every name
You'd think we'd be upset
But we part without regret

Song Info
Submitted by
ken Braley On May 21, 2002
1 Meaning
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Hi. I wrote this one.

The lyrics to this song were different when I first wrote it. It started out as a response to the overly excited (you guessed it) people in front of us at the movie theater. They laughed at everything, including a trailer to Out to Sea (an obvious faux pas). Later, I changed the words to be about the friends I was with that day and how they have long since gone on to bigger and better things. For example, smoking weed and being drunk a lot.

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