Mustard On My Mouth Lyrics

Mustard on my mouth

I was eating lunch
I had a sandwich, I think it was turkey
Then I went in the commons
I had no idea there was...

Mustard on my mouth

I was in the commons
I was talking to Anthony
He pointed it out
And then he laughed at me
He told me in a mocking tone
I really should have stayed at home
My broken pride is still not sewn

Mustard on my mouth

It was so embarrassing
But not really...
Song Info
Submitted by
ken Braley On May 21, 2002
1 Meaning
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Hi. My friend Chris wrote this one.

This was Chris' first song. It recounted a time in junior high when Anthony laughed at Chris for having mustard on his mouth. To this day, the "scars" from that mustard have not faded. Or something.

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