Let's Play Corporate Rock Lyrics

I watch MTV
I read Rolling Stone
The Spin articles I read
Tell me what to condone

I'm considered cool
I keep up with the fads
I know bands that rule
I know what is rad

I'm so hip, I can play guitar!
I'm so hip, I'll be a rock star!
I'm so hip, I know what I'm gonna do!
I'm so hip, you can do it too!

Let's play corporate rock! (x4)
Song Info
Submitted by
ken Braley On May 21, 2002
1 Meaning
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Hi. I wrote this.

First of all, the title is actually "Let's Play Coprorate Rock" (note the intentional misspelling). This is about dumb corporate rock guys. Blah blah blah. Oops, gotta go check out the latest in SPIN magazine.

An error occured.