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Christian Hate Mail Lyrics

What is this I see? Can we not get along?
Discord in the body shows me something is wrong.
Difference of opinion brings about your hate.
The way that we view life makes you so irate.
Why can't you see there's no unity
in the way you hate me just because we don't agree?
Send us your hate mail in the name of Christ.
Insult us, bash us, but don't play nice.
I'm sure the Father's proud of the way you treat your brother.
It's sad to say the Christian way is beating up each other.
Not everything is black and white.
What makes us wrong? What makes you right?
I'm a Christian, too, but I would never want to be like you.
We see things differently.
You don't know my heart, and you don't know me.
Stop holding this grudge, why don't you let God be my judge?
Your convictions, they are not mine. The way you act is out of line.
Song Info
Submitted by
krynge On May 19, 2002
7 Meanings
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this song is so true!

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this song is stereo-typical and a lie, its saying all christians are hypocrits and dont practice what they preach, which isn't true

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It's not talking about everyone! Calibretto's not about accusing anyone of anything, just telling what they see, you know?

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this song isnt saying anything bad about Christians, havent you read Calibretto 13's lyrics? my God theyre a Christian band for crying out loud!!! know what your talking about next time you make a statement.

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This song is very true. I am not saying all but, a lot of christians are only christians so they can get into heaven. The way they act is not christ like in any way. I am not sayin all just alot. It is really sad I think. Christians are now tending to meet their friend or churchs standerds and not christ. Christ is the ultamite example of what we should be and alot of christians I know would speak against christ if they were threatened or if knowing christ would make them "unpopular". It is a sad world.

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Calibretto are singing about the extremist Christians out there, the kind that upon meeting a person, ask what kind of music they listen to and then tell them they're going to Hell if it's not X-ian (an actual exchange between an exfriend of mine and my cousin). They're not singing about christians in general, but about the few exclusionist, self-righteous ones who give christians a bad name.

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Actually, if anything this song is more about conflict WITHIN the church, which I have seen a lot in my life. Which is why I when I was a kid, my family went to multiple church's. Good times (not really.)

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