6 Meanings
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Earth Invasion Lyrics

One man, one mission, one plot to save the world.
Reclaim all races, and embrace our destiny

Join us in the army that's arising.
The truth invades your mind
Every day the kingdom is advancing,
The earth invasion has just begun.

Without a sound, without fear.
It attacks the heart & soul.
To rule all life and display his government.

Changing history when the colliding comes
Where will you run?
Come with us if you wanna live!

Join us in the army that's arising.
The truth invades your mind.
Everyday the kingdom is advancing
The earth invasion has just begun.
Join us in the army that's arising.
Let the truth invade your mind!
Everyday the kingdom is advancing
The earth invasion has just begun.

The earths frustration
To be whole again
will see a whole nation
living with out sin.

The earth invasion.

One man one mission, one plot to save the world
Song Info
Submitted by
krynge On May 19, 2002
6 Meanings
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No offense to any Christanins but ...

I love the song but being an atheist and all it kinda says to me ... "Be a Christian or were gunna kill you"

It's sort of a threat.

Which made me laugh so hard when I first really listened to the Lyrics

[My opinion]

I can't deny the Christian perspective in it (they are a Christian band after all), but I agree with Exitiumx. I would say that it's more a song version of the book of Revelation in the Bible.

So, I wouldn't say it's saying "we're gonna kill you" as it's saying "there will be suffering" in general.

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This song is awesome! It's pretty much saying get ready cuz CHRISTIAN'S ARE TAKING OVER!!

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I don't think it is threatening at all. The thing I have observed, as I too was ignorant to the word.. is that people don't actually READ the scripture.. and just fall in line condemning it. I say this to all whom deny it to at least read and comprehend what you are denying. Anyway.. good song!

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This song isn't threatening at all, unless you find love threatening. This song tells about joining us and living eternally or dying eternally. We're trying to save you from death. You'll be killed unless you join us.

Jesus loves you.

Song Meaning
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I am guessing this song is about prepare for the "Apocalypse" aka Earth Invasion by the Angels

Saying; Turn Christian with us and you will be saved and live eternal life unlike the sinners.

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I agree, DumBruNeTte469. That Christians are taking over. Great song!

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