8 Meanings
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Rippin Me Off Lyrics

They say Jesus is doing nothing
They say evolution took his place,
There's no God that created the world
and no savior for the human race.

They say that God is powerless
He laughs aloud as we cry in pain
It's just a part of his sick, sick humor
forcing us to appreciate

You say that God is dead but your
rippin, me off.
You can't infect my mind with your vanity
You say that God is dead but your
rippin, me off
You can't infect my mind with your vanity
your rippin, me off.

They say that God doesn't even exist
We made him up just to numb our pain
They cant believe in a loving God
Who doesn't believe in atheists.

We take too much
Song Info
Submitted by
krynge On May 19, 2002
8 Meanings
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I agree with "Screwie Louie"....

and tranquil fury, I find it funny that you say "Who cares what it means" when the website you're posting on is called "Songmeanings.net"

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According to an interview I read with John Cooper, he got the idea for this song by going to a Marilyn Manson concert

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Have you ever thought you're ripping off the world with your untrue message of Christianity?

I used to be a Christian too, and I used to feel that fury of "They cant believe in a loving God/ Who doesn't believe in atheists!!"

God gave us reason, not religion. Jesus of Nazareth was an amazing individual; the miraculous fabrications that have been added to his "factual accounts," however, are revolting.

Maybe there is a god, maybe there isn't (I personally believe it is logical to conclude that this universe is the result of Intelligent Design). But to ascribe to the belief of there being such an insecure god who felt it necessary to go to the extents of institutionalizing a heaven and hell for those who do and do not "accept" or "believe" in him is pretty humorous.

He didn't create Heaven and Hell for those who believe or don't believe in Him.If it were that way only Aethiests would go to Hell and Satan who commited the first sin would be in Heaven. He created Heaven for a haven for Him and the sinless to Live. He created Hell for the Fallen Angels who rebelled against Him. Humans may not have been sinless when the were created, but they were innocent. When they ate of the tree of Life they sinned against God. God is perfect and sinless and deserves no wrong against Him, yet everyday even...

Here is the problem: you do not go to Hell for failing to believe in Jesus. Humans are evil. It's that simple. We are so evil, that we shrug off evil as 'no big deal' when we should be sic. Because God is perfect, he is just. Because God is just, he cannot allow evil to go unpunished. Jesus is the only way in existence that one can "remove" sin. Thus, failing to believe in Jesus isn't the reason someone goes to Hell, it's just rejecting the only rope that could have gotten you out of the snake-pit.

@ Altonahk, I like that!

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I don't think this song is a message against atheists in general so much as it against people who try to replace God with science. It's a rebellion against the "New Age" philosophy the world is going through. The world is trying to sell what is false for the truth. They're ripping us off. At least that's what I think they're saying. Also nobody is ruining the song by telling you what is already said in the song.

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I love this song! it has a great sound that just plain rocks!

It's basically about those people who don't believe in God and how they're rippin' off the world with their untrue message.

@Screwie Louie bit hard to say "untrue" message when there is nothing to support the belief of a God (let alone Christianity). I think it is more an artist being annoyed that others are "slammin'" their beliefs whilst thinking there's are superior (although that pretty much sums up all religions and non-religions)

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Golly gee, that's a powerful message. You know, why can't we let a good song just be that? Who cares what it means, you see, that's where all you Jesus people get it wrong. Sure, praise God, worship God, sacrifice your children to Him, whatever it is you people do. But do you really have to ruin a good song by going and saying something like "THEIR untrue message?" c'mon now...

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The world DOES rip us off with THEIR untrue message; There is no God!

NEWSFLASH! There IS a God! AND, mr. Fury, we OPPOSE sacrifice, that was Old Covanent! Go read a Bible or something.

Oppose sacrifice? That depends of what you mean. Look at Romans 3:23-25

"23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, 25 whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God’s righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins."

Propitiation is a type of Expiation, which is a type of sacrifice of atonement. Jesus is the sacrifice that removes sin. The Old Testament...

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I read somewhere online that John Cooper went to a Marilyn Manson concert and Marilyn said something very offensive about Jesus' existence, and the whole crowd cheered him for it!! John was so upset that he walked out then and there.

He then wrote this song to tell Christians to stick to their beliefs no matter what people say!

@Evanecence2001 so stick to your beliefs even if facts, evidence and the truth say other wise??

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