6 Meanings
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We Hunger Lyrics

a ravenous greed
for a brood to feed
a lusting spawn
on a weekend fawn
do you hunger for this
sucking leaches feel the need
sucking dry unsated stomach pops
sharpened knives with flying sparks
sagging bodies with stretch marks
& your belly aches

do you hunger for this
bled white with avarice

as the rust creeps
corrosion seeps a rotting seed
eat me -- feed me
with your belching foul breath
your destructive kiss death
do you hunger for this

the bliss of a sweet kiss
shanghai'ed on a locust flight
the thirst from a vampire bite
fills the emptiness inside
consuming everything green-eyed
we hunger
Song Info
Submitted by
kaitou On May 19, 2002
6 Meanings
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this song is quoted in the vampire book by melton.

thought that was a good bit of info.

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this song is quoted in the vampire book by melton.

thought that was a good bit of info.

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Yay for funfacts!

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I always supposed this was about pregnancy. The first verse really has some grotesque imagery that you could link to the condition 'sagging bodies with stretch marks'. That Siouxsie is asking 'Do you really want something like this?'

She never had children nor has she mentioned anything about it (why should she?) but maybe she's tokophobic.

I'm possibly reading too deep into this :D


Line 4: Should read 'weakened' fawn, not 'weekend' fawn.

Line 19: 'The bliss of a sweet kiss' doesn't come until later. Here it is 'Just a taste of the sweet kiss'

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I also think this is most likely about pregnancy and lust. She asks, do you hunger for this, in relation to the strech-marks, and uses the metaphor of the baby inside being like a parasite.

However, she also seems to be asking if we hunger for "The bliss of a sweet kiss."

The song seems to be questioning perhaps, the motives behind sex and if it is really all about children or about lust. Kind of like a cautionary tale for young people getting pregnant.

Song Meaning
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SIOUXSIE: "I'd just bought a video machine, that was three years ago, and everybody I knew seemed to be, like, in a video nasty club. I mean, there was a lot of unreality, waking up to video images. A song like 'We Hunger' arose out of that environment. I wasn't really living with any subtlety then." Source: NME 28/09/85.

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