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Softly Lyrics

Softly into your broken veins
Softly into these broken dreams
Will you ever come home?
Will you ever be found?
Standing on shattered windowpane
softly I whisper your name
concealed in bedclothes of frosting cold
Softly the snowflakes start to fall
fleecing the velvet skin
Suspended in frozen time
Icicles slowly drip outside
to the rhythm of your wounds here inside
I entered your dream, I entered your scheme
Softly to swim inside your veins
Softly in rippling cellophane
to float and glide in time
to the rushing in your brain
I wanted your lips, yes I wanted your kiss
So softly the moment had flown
My body outside yours
softly collects the falling snow
and disappears far away
so softly
Song Info
Submitted by
kaitou On May 19, 2002
1 Meaning
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SEVERIN: I had a dream that I met Elvis and all he said to me was "Softly". I also had this tape which I got in America. It was shrinkwrapped to a paperback called 'Is Elvis Alive?' and was supposed to be him ringing from a payphone explaining how he'd survived and what he'd been doing. There was nobody on the other end of the line. At the beginning and end of 'Softly' you can just about make out a short wave radio with bits of this tape in it. It's not important for people to know that, but it gives that atmosphere of something a bit more clairvoyant going on. The lyrics are nothing to do with Elvis. Source: Deadline 08/91.

SIOUXSIE: "Softly" was written in the rehearsal studio with just Martin (McCarrick) and Steve (Severin) playing something and me sort of part ad-libbing off of an idea that I had, and then us working it out together after we'd taped it and decided it was something worth doing. Source: Island ear 20/01/92.


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