Rawhead And Bloodybones Lyrics

Bad word,
Or bad deed,
Unpunished invites grief,
Rawhead and Bloodybones
Reaching from
Dark cupboard
Crouching under stair,
Lurking in chimney,
Pond or well

We're down here,
Held here
Dragged here
And drowned here by
Rawhead and Bloodybones

Pop eyed,
Bushy tailed
Long teeth and
Claws as well
Rawhead and
Song Info
Submitted by
kaitou On May 19, 2002
5 Meanings
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This is the retelling of the myth of Rawhead and Bloodybones, a folklore creature who is rumored to reward good children and punish bad ones:

Bloody-Bones is said to live near water (in older tellings) and under sink pipes (in newer tellings). Rawhead/Bloodybones rewards very good children, but will punish naughty children by dragging them down the drainpipes or into the water and drowning them. In addition to drowning naughty children, he is said to be able to turn them into objects such as pieces of trash or spots of jam, which are inadvertently cleaned-up and thrown out by unwitting parents. [quote:monstropedia.org]

Rawhead and Bloodybones is also said to have big pop-eyes, a scrunched and crouching form, horns, claws, scabs, and a gremlin form. There is also a rhyme associated with it:

Rawhead and Bloody Bones Steals naughty children from their homes, Takes them to his dirty den, And they are never seen again.

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Yay for ancient folklore!
I'm pretty sure there's not much of a meaning to this song with anything farther than the scary story behind it.

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My uncle used to tease me about Rawhead and Bloodybones when I was a wee little tot...so this song kinda sends a few chills up my spine. Great song, nonetheless!

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My uncle used to tease me about Rawhead and Bloodybones when I was a wee little tot...so this song kinda sends a few chills up my spine. Great song, nonetheless!

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This has a great sense of creepy mystery too it. I think it work well in any Tim Burton film.

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