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Free The Henge Lyrics

sticks and standing stones arrests and broken bones peoples' homes destroyed vicious thugs employed by rulers alienated from an earth they've devastated surround our temple with barbed wire but in our hearts there burns a fire (to) free the henge free the henge our culture is attacked our right are violated i say its time to end the restrictions they've created free the henge free the henge for thousands of years stonehenge has been a sacred meeting place for people - furthermore in 1918 it was gifted to the nation the then "owner" on the condition that there sholud be free access for all who wished to gather there so what gives you the right, the power to decide that the people's access to the stones will be denied? we won't be stopped by cops, four miles "exclusion zones" 'cos we're coming through to liberate the stones free the henge free the henge the time will come again when we'll be at henge to feel the earthpower at the solstice houre free the henge free the henge free the henge free the henge winter solstice 1988 - stonehenge - bands playing, jugglers juggling, people breathing fire, gathering wood in the trees as the music echoed through the night air, laughing, sitting round the campfire talking and sharing food and drink - an amazingly friendly atmosphere - in the morning, gathering before dawn at the stones, dancing round the stone circle hand in hand - a little magic in the midst of our grey, drab world of concrete and exhaust fumes... summer solstice 1989 - riot police, road-blocks, coming up against the full force of the state, chased through woods by the cops, hiding in the ditches while helicopter searchlights sliced through darkness to find us, fear, anger, determination - that they will not beat us, that they will not destroy our culture... a response: if they think they can stop us gathering together for free festivals they are wrong. our response to our experiences was just to come and organise a free festival on cramond island near edinburgh. with the help of many others we made our own festival - and you can too!
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