4 Meanings
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Obsession Lyrics

do you hear this breath it's an obsessive breath
can you feel this beat it's an obsessive heart beat
waiting to be joined with its obsession

i close my eyes but i can't sleep
the thin membrane can't veil
the branded picture of you

the signs and signals show - the traffic lights say go
again you baffle me pretending not to see ...me

i broke into your room - i broke down in my room
touched your belongings there - and left a lock of my hair
another sign for you

you screamed into my face get the hell out of my place
another sign for me? can you forgive me?
for not understanding your ways

you know sometimes you take it all too far
then i remember it's a game between you and me
a divine test for us two

it's all in my imagination
yes they even say that our mission ...is only
my obsession

do you hear this breath it's an oppressive breath
suffocating in the poison of your obsession
can you feel this beat it's a possessive beat
your pulse stops in the claws of your obsession
Song Info
Submitted by
kaitou On May 19, 2002
4 Meanings
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This song was inspired by a real life person, a friend of Siouxsie's (I don't know if it was a man or a woman), who became obsessed with a neighbour and broke into their house, leaving a lock of his/hers pubic hair.

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I think this song is totally romantic. I love how siouxsie could make creeps feel like romantics with good cause.

Especially that forgive me part ohhhhh God that is amazing.

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SIOUXSIE: "The events in the song actually took place. It's about a friend of a friend of mine. Its an extreme example of what happens in more subtle ways in most peoples relationships." Source: Record Mirror 18/12/82

BUDGIE: "While we were putting the guitar part to tape it happened, something so peculiar that it would almost change the arrangement of the song. Psycho guitar was stabbing out from the speakers, when suddenly the tape machine began to slow down. Slower and slower, almost to a dead stop, and then just as mysteriously it began to correct itself. Nobody tampered with the machine, which after its brief spasm, was now working perfectly. The effect it had on the guitar part was wonderful; but what had caused it? There was no logical explanation." Source: No.1 02/11/88

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I twist on stalking where she is stalking him. I haven't been stalked enough. What am I doing wrong?

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