Green Fingers Lyrics

hibiscus head-in a flower bed
a finger hewn-planted and sewn

oh magic in her hands-she could make anything grow
magic in her hands - she had green fingers

it's curious
where animals don't go
mandrake-rooted deep into the soil
where the sun won't fall but it flourishes
see the pretty maids all in a row


it's reaching
and groping a clammy handshake
clawing the ivy
crawling the tightrope along the lattice work
with this hand i thee wed
with this hand i thee bed
with this hand i . . .
Song Info
Submitted by
kaitou On May 19, 2002
3 Meanings
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This is from a Night Gallery episode called Green Fingers. Check out the synopsis on imdb:

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Inspired by an episode of Rod Sterling’s Night Gallery with the title Green Fingers; A property developer wants to get his hands on the land owned by an old lady. He uses all the means at his disposal. What he doesn't know is that the lady in question has a strange affinity with plants. Another inspiration was the film Motel Hell; Farmer Vincent kidnaps unsuspecting travellers and is burying them in his garden. Unfortunately for his victims, they are not dead. He feeds his victims to prepare them for his roadside stand.

Song Meaning
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The power of the individual- "rooted" in nature- you make the world you live in.

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