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Someones Gonna Die Lyrics

This is where the good times went
With his brains lying on the pavement
With a broken bottle in his hand
And another in his back


Do you feel alright? Oi! Oi! Oi!
Someone's gonna die tonight Oi! Oi! Oi!
Do you feel alright? Oi! Oi! Oi!
The boys are out tonight!

Was it something that he said?
with his footballscarf now stained red
With a broken bottle in his hand
You will never understand
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3 Meanings

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Cover art for Someones Gonna Die lyrics by Blitz

how no one hasnt commented on this song is beyond me. basicly its a song about a skin,punk,ruddie, ect. any1 going to a football game (soccar in amereica) and they wore the wrong team colors and they got jumped and basicy killed over their prefferance of a sports team. kinda stupid but its the truth in europe theres always riots and fights after games. much like after some of the patriots in the 03-04 season. great song great band one of my favs

Actually, Philadelphia Eagles fans are worse than most soccer fans in the UK and elsewhere. I read an article that incidents of violence at Eagles games (and American sporting events in general) are much more common than at soccer matches, despite the hype to the contrary-- it's just that American sporting events are less likely to erupt in full-scale riots that make news. Shit, in the old Veteran's Stadium here there was even a court and jail-cells in the basement it was so bad.

But great song, great band-- yeah, that part of your comment I can't add to!

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Cover art for Someones Gonna Die lyrics by Blitz

I agree completely with this guy.

Cover art for Someones Gonna Die lyrics by Blitz

blitz are great. this was my introduction to this band. this song makes me want to fight. oi oi oi!