6 Meanings
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Head Cut Lyrics

The head is the best part
my headcut my woodcut

I saw you in the gallery
with your torso and family
a huge smiling central face
with eyes and lips cut out
but smiling and eating
lots of others lips......

A beautiful mask in plastercast
such a beautiful mask in plastercast

Can I take it back with me
Back to the flat with me

Oh severed head
I'll feed your head with bread
and paint your lips bright red
I'll keep it fresh on ice
it will look very nice

Can I take it with me
Back to flat with me

Shrunken heads under the bed
the flies are humming
there's a red under the bed
the spit is turning
roasting burning
Shadows dancing-by the fire
flickering flames laugh-with desire

The head is the best part
my headcut my woodcut

Song Info
Submitted by
kaitou On May 18, 2002
6 Meanings
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hahahaha it's plain obvious what it's about damn sick i love it :D cutesy

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i had a book in the 1980's that detailed everything about the banshees up to 84 i think. this book, long gone now, claimed that HEAD CUT was based on a hammer studio film about a woman who steals a samurai mask from a museum. i think that idea is most likely crap as the author was also wrong about GREEN FINGERS, which was inspired by a night gallery episode starring elsa lanchester.

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I love when Siouxsie plays serial killer-with-a-creative streak.

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I love when Siouxsie plays serial killer-with-a-creative streak.

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I love this song. There's a great point where she screams, and in the '81 Cologne concert, she practically eats the mic. Look it up on youtube, this also has one of the best choruses I'd heard in a long time when I first found it.

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SIOUXSIE: " 'Onibaba', this black-and-white Japanese film by Kaneto Shindo. I saw it on BBC 2 when I was about nine. There was this great repeated scene: every night, this girl would run through fields of long, swooshing cane in the rain to her lover, but this demon would appear and it would scare her away. This kept happening until one night she ran past it. When she finally went home to her family and opened the door, the demon was crouching in the corner. It turned out the demon was her mother, who'd worn a Samurai mask to scare her away from this boy, but the mask had got stuck to her face. It made such a strong impression." Source: Word 10/04

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