6 Meanings
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Watch Me Kill Lyrics

We walked along and talked along
'til we came to the levelest ground
Then I picked up a stick of wood
And I knocked the Boston bitch down
Watch me kill, watch me kill the Boston girl
She fell upon her beggin' knees cryin' lord
Have mercy on me.
Oh GG don't murder me now
For I'm... I'm not prepared to die, but...
Watch me kill.....
Little attention did I pay, I beat her more and more
I beat her till the blood gushed out
Then I raped that bleeding whore, yeah.
6 Meanings
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Huh GG is the man and I dont care what anyone says

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when i first heard this song i was about 12 and i was a morbid fucker but i swear man i wanted to do this to my ex lol IM A FUCK UP!

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Fuck GG's the best lyric writer... I just recorded my version a this song (with the addition of the Boston Girl voice) and Its Dam Good... best song ever.... well... maybe

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GG Allin was probably serious-that's what makes him more disturbing that just about any song writer out there. The only more morbid song than this that I can think of is KIM by Eminem

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River Wolf is right haha

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I wonder if GG actually ever killed anyone? Assault, definitely, but actual homicide, I doubt it. He also claimed to have raped men as well as women on stage, I kind of doubt that also, unless some was there who can verify? I think anyone who went up on that stage, man or woman, and had something happen to them, most likely probably wanted it to..... like attracts like...

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