Let It Be Know I'm Madly In Love With You Lyrics

you smell so good to me
wish that we could go away
away to a cabin all alone
i could lay near you
and breath you in
not do anything, but be in your presence
your smell, the feel of heaven

and when it is time
we will drive home
with one hand on the wheel
you in my other arm, asleep
i'll listen to you breath
and with every exhale
i'll fall more madly in love with you

i'll wish in the car
that this ride would last forever
and i'll cry knowing
that it possible could not
but for now i'm content
in just being in your presence
your smell, the feel of home

the road has come to an end
it seems to be at your house
my love does not end here
i pray that you invite me in
and we could spend at least
one more passionate night
i'll take this slow if you promise
to always smell of life
Song Info
Submitted by
memento On May 16, 2002
2 Meanings
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wow, this seems like a very emotional song, whoever wrote this is obviously in love, amazing songwriting, almost makes me feel like i'm in love with this person

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What beautiful lyrics. Seriously, and i have never heard this song. Wow I just have to say wow. I want to get this song it is very very pretty.

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