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Mommy Pants – The Looking Mass Lyrics 3 years ago
One of the dumbest songs I've encountered. It shows everything that's wrong with how society has engineeered everyone to be mindless obeyers and repeaters with no thoughts of their own.

The Innocence Mission – Wonder Of Birds Lyrics 3 years ago
@[Shobina:36486] Yes, for those who've earned their place to be up with God.

The Innocence Mission – Wonder Of Birds Lyrics 3 years ago
@[Shobina:36485] Yes, for those who've earned their place to be up with God.

Talk Talk – It's My Life Lyrics 3 years ago
@[archetypes:36243] No, don't forgive them. They'll just keep shitting over other people they come across, and teach them how to be the same way.

Massive Attack – Protection Lyrics 3 years ago
"She's doing so much harm, doing so much damage"

But the girl is _not_ "doing so much harm and so much damage." She's just exposing the harm that those in power have intentionally caused for a long time for power and profit. But of course the ones in power never take responsibility for their crimes and instead just blame the whistleblowers like the lying cowards they are. And the fact that the narrator is accepting the establishment perspective on the girl means they're _not_ "taking the force of the blow" but actually just being hypocrites with empty words toeing the line.

Bert Jansch – Katie Cruel Lyrics 3 years ago
These are some hypocritical lyrics, where the worst of cruel people accuse the girl they tortured of being cruel for not forgiving them. And why should she? It makes me think of the Junko Furuta case where the boys tortured a girl to death, but the boys' parents think the dead girl is to blame for their sons going to prison. This sort of hypocrisy runs rampant in this world and doesn't sit well with God, obviously.

Orange Juice – Rip It Up Lyrics 3 years ago
@[KellKell:35984] It's true. From "Good Times."

The Pogues – I'm A Man You Don't Meet Every Day Lyrics 3 years ago
@[Violentpacifist:35932] No, Cait, Phil, Shane, and Terry are Irish. The others are English, but who cares.

The Skids – The Saints Are Coming Lyrics 3 years ago
@[Fungus123:35552] See the wikipedia pages on Kevin Barry and the Miami Showband killings to learn that it's very possible that the IRA is not responsible for much of what is blamed on them. Same as with Al Qaeda it turns out if you research that thoroughly as well.
In a letter addressed to "the civilised nations of the world", Arthur Griffith — then acting President of the Republic wrote:
"Under similar circumstances a body of Irish Volunteers captured on June 1 of the present year a party of 25 English military who were on duty at the King's Inns, Dublin. Having disarmed the party the Volunteers immediately released their prisoners. This was in strict accordance with the conduct of the Volunteers in all such encounters. Hundreds of members of the armed forces have been from time to time captured by the Volunteers and in no case was any prisoner maltreated even though Volunteers had been killed and wounded in the fighting, as in the case of Cloyne, Co. Cork, when, after a conflict in which one Volunteer was killed and two wounded, the whole of the opposing forces were captured, disarmed, and set at liberty." This was when an Irish showband was framed by British loyalists who planted bombs on their tour bus.

The Kinks – Big Sky Lyrics 3 years ago
For some reason the incorrect lyrics are posted and it won't let me change them, so here they are:

Big Sky looked down on all the people looking up at the Big Sky
Everybody's pushing one another around
Big Sky feels sad when he sees the children scream and cry
But the Big Sky's too big to let it get him down

Big Sky too big to cry
Big Sky too high to see
People like you and me

One day we'll be free
We won't care, just you see
'Til that day can be
Don't let it get you down

And when I feel
That the world's too much for me
I think of the Big Sky
And nothing matters much to me

Big Sky looked down on all the people who think they got problems
They get depressed and they hold their heads in their hands and they cry
People lift up their hands and they look up to the Big Sky
But the Big Sky is too big to sympathise

Big Sky's too occupied
Though he would like to try
And he feels bad inside
Big Sky's too big to cry

One day we'll be free
We won't care, just you wait and see
'Til that day can be
Don't let it get you down

The Church – When You Were Mine Lyrics 3 years ago
@~anner~ same to you.

The Traveling Wilburys – End Of The Line Lyrics 3 years ago
This is about the end of the world when everyone who's made it past judgement day will finally be free.

Bloc Party – The Prayer Lyrics 3 years ago
@[shrodes:35098] Sure, that's what the words are about on a surface level, but like the first commenter above noted, the lyrics are sarcastic.

Comets on Fire – Dogwood Rust Lyrics 3 years ago
@[TiE23:34802] Thanks for transcribing the lyrics! I'm happy to see them here 8 years later, so it wasn't all for naught that you took the time. :)

Pink Floyd – The Scarecrow Lyrics 3 years ago
@[kornchild60:34782] He was more sane than someone who'd name themselves after Korn anything.

The Fall – Cruiser's Creek Lyrics 4 years ago
@[dannyno:34752] It could be read either way. He;s just giving last minute instructions on how disaster could be averted, but there's no certainty that it actually was.

Everything But the Girl – Kid Lyrics 4 years ago
@[epiwoosh:34669] The thing that I'll probably always be angry about is that my daughter was with me through the whole experience and she more than anyone didn't deserve any of it. At least I know what it's like to live through better times, but the only thing she's ever known is this relentless barrage of irrational meanness and hatred directed at her, so I hope she hasn't been too traumatized and messed up by it. Even if she didn't always understand what was happening, I'm sure she's always felt it because I know I have and she's so much like me. At least right now I feel like I can forgive my dad more than I can the assholes who took part in tormenting us, because one of the psychopaths' main goals was to cause a big rift between me and my dad if they couldn't get their way, and they won't be getting their way. My dad only set the stage; it was all the people who succumbed to their worst tendencies and took part that actually caused it to get as bad as it did, so I'll never forgive them. I hope I can stay close enough to my daughter that she'll let me help her through whatever I can. I also have friends who'll help us, but I know I'll always worry about her.

Everything But the Girl – Kid Lyrics 4 years ago
@[epiwoosh:34646] I'm glad that this song made me think more about my situation because I'm starting to understand what my dad was thinking. He was never going to let them get away with anything and was already planning extremely severe punishment for them even before everything they did to me. He just wanted not only me but the whole universe to see absolutely clearly how much they deserved that punishment and why they won't ever get leniency. And I think the only other way I might've learned the lesson was to witness what happened to me happen to someone else, but he knew I wouldn't have been able to bear seeing it happen to anyone else, so I would've gotten in the way of that. I'd say that sometimes I think he thinks I'm a lot stronger than I am, but then he'd say I'm a lot stronger than I think I am, because even though I hold onto my wounds I don't let them change me or let go of my principles. Anyway, I'm sure I'll have many talks in the future with my dad and my friends who've also suffered, and we'll all figure out how to navigate through these ethical concerns when it comes to justice. One thing I know for sure is that exacting justice and revenge is not nearly the same thing as sadistically making innocent people suffer just because you can, and anyone with any sense or any heart at all knows that, so those quotes like Auden's "Those to whom evil is done do evil in return" are just concocted by the evil ones to pathetically try to feel better about themselves, or just to confess part of their mind-control strategy for turning people evil in that way they love to gloat about their wrongdoings. In any case, what I experienced was a massive-scale version of the Milgram experiment and Stanford prison experiment combined, and I hope it means the end of anyone ever being subjected to anything like that again, not because I don't now think that certain people wouldn't deserve it, but because it brought out the absolute worst in ugly tendencies in humanity as a whole, to an extent I naively didn't believe was possible, and that's not something I'd ever want to see happen again in any species anywhere. I think the only way it will happen now is when someone is tortured by their own subconscious in their dreams for treating others so badly. That will probably even be the main punishment that my dad has in mind for them, for them to be perpetually tortured by their own subconscious because deep down they know that's what they deserve.

Everything But the Girl – Missing Lyrics 4 years ago
@trich daddy That's not true. According to many old accounts, most of the deserts on earth were once lush and green before a worldwide cataclysm of some sort caused the magnetic poles to reverse. And we're actually due for another magnetic pole reversal anytime now.

Everything But the Girl – Kid Lyrics 4 years ago
@[epiwoosh:34615] And that situation is just one example that's especially sad because I'm sure the mom was trying to make the best decision for her daughter that she could at the time, but it just didn't work out and made things worse. I have my own experience like this that's even harder to deal with because my dad fully knew he was throwing me to the wolves to teach me a hard lesson not to be so trusting and naive, because he felt I probably wouldn't learn it any other way. In my case, the "wolves" were just seemingly ordinary people, but I learned the hard way that people will take advantage of innocence and abuse you in the most extreme ways if they think they can get away with it. This experience has left me unable to completely trust anyone, including my dad even though I know he was right. Maybe it's true I wouldn't have learned it any other way, but I don't think so, and that's the main problem. It's just that he felt I had to learn the lesson fast because he had huge decisions to make soon that involved much more than just me and him and our relationship. The thing is that he knows I've never been someone for whom "time heals all wounds," so I don't know why he would try that on me. I seem to always carry the wounds with me, even through mind wipes. Time only forces me to learn to live with the wounds better, little by little.

Everything But the Girl – Kid Lyrics 4 years ago
@[epiwoosh:34608] Not that it really matters, but it's Chrissie not Chrissy.

Everything But the Girl – Kid Lyrics 4 years ago
I know that Chrissy Hynde has said that this song is about a mother whose child finds out that she works as a prostitute to pay the bills, but it could easily be about any big disagreement between a parent and child, especially one where a parent's decision has seriously affected the child in a negative way. It made me think of a recent post I saw that made me really sad on an epilepsy forum where the girl was pissed off at her mom for deciding on brain surgery for her when she was younger to try to stop her seizures. Not only was the surgery unsuccessful at stopping her seizures, but she's also had other complications like terrible memory problems, and she still goes through phases where she blames her mom even years later.

Everything But the Girl – Kid Lyrics 4 years ago
These are the words to the original Pretenders version. EBTG's cover version is slightly different,
with the lines "I know you know I'm a bum, I won't deny it" instead of "I know you know what I'm about, I won't deny it"

And she seems to just say "Well, I go away...." instead of "Shut the light, go away."

and "I know angry tears are too dear, you won't let them flow" instead of "you won't let them go."

Everything But the Girl – When All's Well Lyrics 4 years ago
These are strange lyrics that sound like they're from the perspective of psychopaths ganging up on a girl who somehow trying to fool themselves into believing they're not as horrible as they are because their abuse of her is only temporary.

Julian Cope – Ain't but the One Way Lyrics 4 years ago
I get the strange feeling that Julian in his later years was replaced by an AI lyric generator bot. That might even be the case for most songwriters in their later years.

Julian Cope – Easter Everywhere Lyrics 4 years ago
The easy solution to this is in his earlier band's song, that one the Freshies couldn't get a hold of:

I was a bouncing baby
Now I'm a bouncing bomb

The Teardrop Explodes – Bouncing Babies Lyrics 4 years ago
First of all, the part where he repeats "it's true, true, true, all the things they tell you" is totally sarcastic, so what he means is that it's all lies, lies, lies that they tell you.

Having said that, this song is about how we start out life as innocent little babies, clean slates, then as we only get fed lies growing up, we become toxic people from being raised on those lies and we need a lot of help undoing all the damage done.

It also has another layer of more literal meaning if you think of all the harmful chemicals, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, etc, dispersed through our food, water, vaccines, and air through aerial aerosol spraying, but these are all part of the lies, lies, lies because so often they're claimed to be good for you.

And it has even more special meaning for certain people who were born especially handicapped.

The Beatles – Run for Your Life Lyrics 4 years ago
@[maddsurgeon:34489] You mean sadistic not masochistic. And the Cowboy Junkies version sounds stupid.

The Beatles – Run for Your Life Lyrics 4 years ago
@[TangeledUpInBlue:34487] somewhat? The lyrics are batshit crazy. You mean totally misogynistic.

The Beatles – Run for Your Life Lyrics 4 years ago
@[elderlymechanic:34486] lol? Your poor ex. I hope she's okay.

The Beatles – Run for Your Life Lyrics 4 years ago
@[maddsurgeon:34485] You mean sadistic not masochistic.

Elvis Costello – Alison Lyrics 4 years ago
Reading between the lines, this phony insincere song is about a girl whose life was intentionally and systematically destroyed by someone who pretends to have good intentions ("my aim is true") but who is actually sadistically reveling in ruining her life. It's what Louis-Ferdinand Céline was referring to when he said: “I warn you that when the princes of this world start loving you it means they are going to grind you up into battle sausage.”

God how I hate this song.

We've Got a Fuzzbox and We're Gonna Use It – XX Sex Lyrics 4 years ago
This is from the twisted perspective of male-dominated capitalist society.

Sex Pistols – Who Killed Bambi? Lyrics 4 years ago
@[RejEkT:34164] stupid RejEkT here killed Bambi.

Bloc Party – Two More Years Lyrics 4 years ago
@[LucasCorso:34121] I don't see how the words could be a mature reflection on anything. The narrator sounds like Terence Stamp's character in the 1962 film The Collector, the "young Englishman who stalks a beautiful art student before abducting and holding her captive in the basement of his rural farmhouse." Sounds like he's telling the kidnapped girl to just be patient and he'll release her in two more years. Anyway, what the psychopath of course doesn't consider is that even if he does release her as promised she'll still be permanently traumatized from the experience.

Strawberry Switchblade – Since Yesterday Lyrics 4 years ago
This is another of those songs which seems on the surface to be reminiscing on a past relationship, but it actually has a stranger even more literal meaning, this time with the narrator afraid she won't get her friend back in one piece after he or she goes through a risky mind-erasing mind control experiment.

Tears for Fears – Watch Me Bleed Lyrics 4 years ago

The last part was off, it should be:

And now they say we'll never forget what he learned us
We were mean to him but he never burned us
Singing, "love lives forever!"
Thank you, Casper the Friendly Ghost
Thank you, Casper the Friendly Ghost

Tears for Fears – Watch Me Bleed Lyrics 4 years ago
God these are such melodramatic lyrics. I much prefer Daniel Johnston's take with "Casper the Friendly Ghost":

He was smiling through his own personal hell
Dropped his last dime in a wishing well
But he was hoping to close and then he fell
Now he's Casper the Friendly Ghost

He was always polite to the people who'd tell him
That he was nothing but a lazy bum, but
Goodbye to them he had to go
Now he's Casper the Friendly Ghost

Nobody treated him nice while he was alive
You can't buy no respect like the librarian said, but
Everybody respects the dead, they
Love a friendly ghost

And now they say we'll never forget what he learned
As we were mean to him but he never burned
Just singing, "love lives forever!"
Thank you, Casper the Friendly Ghost
Thank you, Casper the Friendly Ghost

Wesley Willis – Casper The Homosexual Friendly Ghost Lyrics 4 years ago
@[cattlest:34018] Maybe. but God it's even stupider than I expected from the title. At least Daniel's song is funny in that disarmingly honest way he has. This guy is just dying for attention in the worst kind of way.

Nick Drake – Suicide Is Painless Lyrics 4 years ago
Painful to read. And thank God Nick would never write a corny melodramatic song like this.

The Field Mice – Sensitive Lyrics 4 years ago
Even though the lyrics are correct here as posted...

By showing you I'm
You do risk
Being crucified
Crucified by
Those you are unlike

....I'm sure that part is meant to say:

By showing you I'm
I do risk
Being crucified
Crucified by
Those I am unlike

Anyway, I used to think this was a relatively simple song about just being different and literally more sensitive than most people, but ever since I discovered how sinister this world actually is compared to how it was before dark forces took control, I now believe it transcends ages and "that time of no fear before the trouble began" covers a past life or past lives when humanity lived in peace and harmony, so unlike how things are now.

And it always really got to me the way he says "the price that I do pay to appreciate the beauty they're killing, the beauty they're busy killing..." but it's now taken on so much more meaning after realizing just how much this dark world really is all about killing off anything and everything that's good and innocent, and instead
encouraging and bringing out the worst tendencies and ugliness in people and things.

The Replacements – Can't Hardly Wait Lyrics 4 years ago
@[thatmuchfurtherwest:32788] It's about both suicide and being optiimistic at the same time. It's about being optimistic that things will be better after he dies.

Ewan MacColl – Ballad of the Carpenter Lyrics 4 years ago
The correct lyrics mysteriously got replaced with the lyrics to Ballad of Accounting, so here are the lyrics to Ballad of the Carpenter:

Jesus was a working man
And a hero, you shall hear
Born in the slums of Bethlehem
At the turning of the year
At the turning of the year

When Jesus was a little lad
The streets rang with his name
For he argued with the older men
And he put them all to shame
He put them all to shame

His father he apprenticed him
A carpenter to be
To plane and drill and work with skill
In the town of Galilee
The town of Galilee

He became a roving journeyman
And he wandered far and wide
And he saw how wealth and poverty
Lived always side by side
Always side by side

He said, "Come all you working men
You farmers and weavers too
If you would only organise
This world belongs to you
This world belongs to you"

So the fishermen sent two delegates
And the farmers and weavers too
And they formed a working committee of twelve
To see the struggle through
To see the struggle through

When the rich men heard what the carpenter had done
To the Roman troops they ran
Saying "Put this rebel Jesus down
He's a menace to God and man
Menace to God and man"

The commander of the occupying troops
He laughed and then he said
"There's a cross to spare on Cavalry Hill
By the weekend he'll be dead
By the weekend he'll be dead

Jesus walked among the poor
For the poor were his own kind
And they never let the cops get close enough
To take him from behind
Oh, to take him from behind

So they hired a man of the traitor's trade
And a stool pigeon was he
And he sold his brother to the butcher's men
For a fistful of silver money
A fistful of money

When Jesus stood in the prison cell
They beat him and offered him bribes
To desert the cause of his own poor folk
And work for the rich men's tribe
Work for the rich men's tribe

The sweat stood out upon his brow
And the blood was in his eye
And they nailed his body to the Roman cross
And they laughed as they watched him die
They laughed as they watched him die

Two thousand years have passed and gone
And many a hero too
But the dream of this poor carpenter
At last it is coming true
At last it is coming true

Wild Swans – Young Manhood Lyrics 4 years ago
This is a prophecy of life to come after the current psychopathic paradigm of the world has ended. At first I didn't understand how the narrator could have ever believed in empires because history has told us that empires have only ever resulted in the rape and pillage of the lands and people of better cultures, but then I learned about the benevolent empires of Tartary, Atlantis and Hyperborea that have been erased from history (after being raped and pillaged by the current psychopathic parasites in control), and now I finally understand what he means there.

Alice Cooper – No More Mr. Nice Guy [DVD] Lyrics 4 years ago
This is the dumbest song.

Scott Walker – Angels Of Ashes Lyrics 4 years ago
@[savingupspend:31592] It always struck me as being about sympathetic muses inspiring and lifting a man out of his doldrums.

Nirvana – Drain You Lyrics 4 years ago
@[treestump:31561] No wonder it was unrequited---because this song... yuck.

Ramones – The KKK Took My Baby Away Lyrics 4 years ago
@[badreligionpigeon:31467] Correct. He's saying he had a Bad Religion pigeon.

Sorry, I confused Bad Religion with Bad Brains. I meant a Bad Brains pigeon.

Ramones – The KKK Took My Baby Away Lyrics 4 years ago
@[badreligionpigeon:31466] Correct. He's saying he had a Bad Religion pigeon.

The Pop Group – She Is Beyond Good And Evil Lyrics 4 years ago
@[poikkeus:31459] You mean that she has _no_ use for "western values," which I take to mean she doesn't value the usual traps of western imperialism and capitalism like money, social status, status symbols, etc. That she's "beyond good and evil" could mean that she does what's right even if it may be at odds with socially accepted attitudes and behavior.

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