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The Neighbourhood – Sweater Weather Lyrics 11 years ago
"Outside it's ice cold" should be changed to "Outside it starts to pour".

Nicki Minaj – Stupid Hoe Lyrics 13 years ago
I think the song is mocking all the rediculous female stereotypes in rap.

Lady GaGa – Scheiße Lyrics 13 years ago
Scheiße means sh** in German.

The rest of it is gibberish that GaGa made up that sounds German.

"I don’t speak German but I can if you like.
^^GaGa is announcing to start speaking gibberish with this line.

I feel as if GaGa is taking a very strong and feminist approach to this song. I interpret this song as a portrayal of how women are treated unfairly about their sexuality in society, whereas men are praised for it.

As for the fake German part, I don't understand. Maybe she is using it as a metaphor, possibly comparing to how she does not speak the language of modern society.

Lady GaGa – Americano Lyrics 13 years ago
You are all wrong. It's about social justice for Mexican-Americans. GaGa said it herself.

Lady GaGa – Black Jesus + Amen Fashion Lyrics 13 years ago
The song could have various meanings.

1. GaGa sold her soul to become famous and now she has changed her point of view on her own personal religion.

2. The cross symbol is being manipulated and misused in fashion.

3. An interpretation of how GaGa became famous.

Lady GaGa – Sexy Ugly Lyrics 13 years ago
This is a perfect example of the cheerleader pop garbage GaGa used to be feeding us.

Lady GaGa – LoveGame Lyrics 13 years ago
It's a pun. A disco stick is a long flashy cane-type instrument that is used in clubs(for reason unknown). She compares the disco stick to -- well you can figure the rest out by yourself.

Yes, the song is about sex, as much of the pop garbage GaGa used to be feeding us was about.

Lady GaGa – Bloody Mary Lyrics 13 years ago

*this part describes how Mary stayed true to Jesus after his death*
Love, is just a history that they may prove
And when you're gone I'll tell them my religion's you

*this describes how mary was prepared to continue Jesus' teachings after his death, even though she might get prosecuted for it*
When Pontius to kill the king upon his throne
I'm ready for their stones.

*this describes the way female dancers in a kings court would dance in Jesus' time*
I'll dance, dance, dance
With my hands, hands, hands
Above my head, head, head
Like Jesus said.
I'm gonna dance, dance, dance
With my hands, hands, hands
Above my head
Dance together
Forgive him before he's dead

*"i won't cry for you" interprets to how Mary stayed strong after Jesus' death*
I won't cry for you

*"i won't crucify the things you do" is a comparison between Mary and GaGa, meaning that GaGa would not judge people for who they are, what they do, or who they choose to be*
I won't crucify the things you do
I won't cry for you, see,
When you're gone, I'll still be Bloody
*^^Mary continued on with teaching the word after Jesus was gone*


*Michaelangelo is famous for sculpting and painting figures from the Biblical era*
We are not just art for Michelangelo to carve
He can't rewrite the agro of my furied heart
I wait, on mountain tops in Paris cold
Je ne veux pas mourrir toute seule
*translates to "I do not want to die alone"*

I'll dance, dance, dance
With my hands, hands, hands
Above my head, head, head
Like Jesus said
I'm gonna dance, dance, dance
With my hands, hands, hands
Above my head
Dance together
Forgive him before he's dead

I won't cry for you
I won't crucify the things you do
I won't cry for you, see,
When you're gone, I'll still be Bloody


GaGa x 8
Dum dum da da da
Dum dum da da da d-d-da da da
Dum dum da da da
Dum dum da da da
Dum dum da da da d-d-da da da
Dum dum da da da

I won't cry for you
I won't crucify the things you do
I won't cry for you, see,
When you're gone, I'll still be Bloody

Oh, Liberdade...
Mi amor...
*Galician-translates to "Oh, freedom... My love..."*

Nicki Minaj – Roman's Revenge Lyrics 13 years ago
In this song, Minaj is in the form of her alter ego, Roman Zalinski, in which she is more aggressive then her usual self. Roman "takes over" Minaj in this song and takes "revenge" on minaj.

Lady GaGa – Just Dance Lyrics 13 years ago
The song is about going to a club, getting drunk, and dancing like there's no tomorrow.

The song, like many of GaGa's other early hits, has no symbolic meaning.

Lady GaGa – The Edge of Glory Lyrics 13 years ago
The song is simply about standing on the edge and living [your love life] to the fullest.

"The moment of truth" refers to the time spent between Heaven, Earth, and Hell(judgement day, etc.)

"I'm on the edge of something final we call life, tonight" is about living every day like it's your last.

"It's time to feel the rush, to push the dangerous"
^^This line is about living life to the fullest.

Lady GaGa – Poker Face Lyrics 13 years ago
The song is a metaphor. It is about hard, promiscuous love, and how she is "playing her cards" to attract and decieve men.

This song is not really about poker or gambling. It is about how promiscuous love is a like a gamble.

Lady GaGa – You and I Lyrics 13 years ago
"We got a whole lotta money but we still pay rent
Cause you can't buy a house in Heaven
There's only 3 men that I'mma serve my whole life
It's my Daddy, and Nebraska and Jesus Christ"

Judas, Alejandro, You and I, Born This Way. I think the reason Gaga keeps referring to the church in her songs is because of how she became famous. GaGa believes that she sold her soul to satan to become famous, and that fame is sinful. I believe that she wants to think of herself as more of a religious symbol, than a sex symbol. But she can't. As long as she's famous, she serves lucifer. She can't stop, because fame is like an addiction. She believes that she is an expert on fame, but because of her religious background, she thinks of fame as a disease. I believe she continues to refer to the church in her latest songs because she believes that doing so is pulling her back to Him.

Lady GaGa – Judas Lyrics 13 years ago
"After three times he betrays me"

^^ This is wrong. Judas did not betray Jesus three times. Peter did. Judas turned Jesus in to the authorities when they offered him silver for Jesus's capture. Peter was the one who said "I do not know this man" out of fear three times when they asked him if he knew Jesus. But, I can't blame her because sometimes songwriters/poets make up a really cheesy line because they can't think of anything else. For example, "Drops of Jupiter" has a line about a chai latte.

This is not against protestant religions at all, however. GaGa was raised as Roman Catholic, and is still strongly religious.

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