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Imagine Dragons – Believer Lyrics 4 months ago
@[LIBSinmyPASTA:49708] I guess you're one of them he's tired of, eh?

Duran Duran – A Matter of Feeling Lyrics 2 years ago
@[bippy:37795] This is how I have interpreted it since the album first came out. But as I age, the conundrum in the second verse seems more intense. LeBon is a spectacular and underrated lyricist.

Imagine Dragons – On Top of the World Lyrics 3 years ago
@[Yzermaneely:34855] I feel like enough time has passed that I can actually say it without encryption. This song is about his religious mission he went on to Nebraska when he was a young man. You'd have to understand LDS culture to fully get all the nuance.

Imagine Dragons – Round and Round Lyrics 6 years ago
It sounds like he’s battling a crisis of faith.

MGMT – Little Dark Age Lyrics 6 years ago
Why is MGMT brilliant lyrically? I think this song is about battling personal demons. My teenage son thinks it’s about getting a boner (his words). And I can understand how he could see it that way.

Imagine Dragons – I Bet My Life Lyrics 6 years ago
@[LaBradford22:22978] You may be on to something. Interestingly, the lyric on "Whatever it Takes" says,

"Looking at my years like a martyrdom
Everybody needs to be a part of 'em
Never be enough, I'm the prodigal son
I was born to run, I was born for this"

Imagine Dragons – I Don't Know Why Lyrics 6 years ago
This is the introduction to the Evolve album. It hits me as a different take on the subject of Arcade Fire's song "We Exist."

Imagine Dragons – Walking the Wire Lyrics 6 years ago
I don't tend to like love songs. But this is the most inspiring love song I think I've heard in a long time. It makes it all seem ok and worth it. Great job Dan...and Aja.

Imagine Dragons – Believer Lyrics 6 years ago
First things first: I'm pissed off and I'm going to tell you all about it.
Second thing second: Don't be trying to restrain me with dogma or anything else.
Third things third: I'm tired of LGBTQ people killing themselves. And I'm tired of the people who can't accept them causing it.
Last things last: You who have suffered this are fueling my purpose in life now.

If you think I'm way off, try coming to the LoveLoud Festival with me next year.

Bob Dylan – All Along the Watchtower Lyrics 6 years ago
@[SeungtaekOH:22474] I believe @[tsb2rxn:22475] means Dylan converted to Christianity in 1977.

Imagine Dragons – Whatever It Takes Lyrics 7 years ago
If you want a song that can motivate you and fuel you for the fight of your life, this is one right here. The lyrics are insane. And it’s grown on me. Dan is finally doing what he set out to do a few years ago: Write growers. This album looks like it will be legendary.

Nirvana – Rape Me Lyrics 7 years ago
@[Mithas25:20021] And Frances Bean being taken from them as a result of this.

Nirvana – Rape Me Lyrics 7 years ago
@[fleaaaaaa:20020] Exactly! As a result of Vanity Fair, Frances Bean was taken from Kurt and Cortney. Have someone take your child from you when you think you're a good parent and tell me it doesn't feel like you're being raped. "My favorite inside source..."

Nico Vega – Rabbit In The Bag Lyrics 7 years ago
@[Yzermaneely:17733] You could be right. I read that 38% of women experience sexual assault at least once. That's a huge number. If I get to talk to her Wednesday, I'll try to ask Aja and post it here.

Switchfoot – The Shadow Proves The Sunshine Lyrics 8 years ago
@[reytim:9875] If you can see Satan exists, but you can't tell if God exists, doesn't Satan's existence basically prove God's? What a beautiful line. Reytim has it down.

Duran Duran – The Universe Alone Lyrics 8 years ago
This might be the best track on the album. It seems like a romantic (in the scary monster sense) look at death. Is there a better combo than Simon and Nick?

Touché Amoré – And Now It's Happening In Mine Lyrics 9 years ago
@[SharkxEthic:2842] And Ian Curtis was the lead for Joy Division.

Touché Amoré – And Now It's Happening In Mine Lyrics 9 years ago
@[jabx:2841] Yes, and the point of that statement is he's seen others so lonely all they wanted was to die. But now it's not funny, because it's happening to him now.

Imagine Dragons – Trouble Lyrics 9 years ago
This sounds like it's a song about a lack of confidence and focus can lead to huge missed opportunities. In this instance, he runs across someone he could save, but he's just scared and anxious, and he misses the opportunity. Ironically he's asking for people to pray for him. The beginning of the song shows he wasn't there for the right reasons as well. This is probably easier to understand if you are familiar with Mormon culture.

Imagine Dragons – Smoke and Mirrors Lyrics 9 years ago
I believe this is about a severe crisis of faith. I won't go into line-by-line details this early in the song's life, especially before the lyrics are corrected. But the line, "All that I've known, buildings of stone fall to the ground without a sound," is particularly telling. His testimony (knowledge his beliefs were true) was unshakable, like it was built of stone. You can hear the anguish as he is losing his faith. He's even calling God things like Heartbreaker, Gatekeeper, Dreammaker, and Lifetaker.

What a beautifully artistic portrait of what many young religious people experience.

Imagine Dragons – It's Time Lyrics 9 years ago
@[abravar2:94] Hang in there. I'm pretty sensitive to how tough that can be. I don't think I can really understand how tough it is though. People who try to navigate being gay and Mormon are heroic to me.

The Cars – Drive Lyrics 9 years ago
"You told your momma I'd get you home,
But you didn't say that I got no car."
- Led Zeppelin "Dancing Days

The Cars – Drive Lyrics 9 years ago
I always thought both characters were whacked out in this song. Much has been said here about the girl Orr is singing to having problems of one sort or another. That is obvious.

But the male character is sick too. Driving is controlling. And driving a girl home...well, do I really need to explain the symbolism there?

Check The Smiths' "That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore" from the same time period. "It was dark as I drove the point home." Both of these songs use innuendo/double entendre to make their points. Ric Ocasek did a masterful job in this one, as did Morrissey.

U2 – The Miracle (Of Joey Ramone) Lyrics 9 years ago
I know this song is supposed to be about musical influences. But I have a feeling that was superimposed over another fully formed thought.

The recurring theme of the song or psalm in the album War is present here. And the reference to Job is also here (everything I ever lost now has been returned). This sounds like a song about religious conversion to me, and includes a conversation with Deity. And it's likely a compare and contrast between that and the impact music can have on us at its highest level.

The Smiths – That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore Lyrics 10 years ago
Morrissey is a lyrical master. I believe he's playing with multiple meanings here, just like he does in How Soon Is Now? (I am the son and the heir, but people heard sun and air)

Just look at this part:
It was dark as I drove the point home
-Dark, drove the point home. Are we talking about driving a coastal route, or is this a sexual scene.

And on cold leather seats well, it suddenly struck me
- I usually only know leather seats are cold when my skin is touching them.

I just might die with a smile on my face after all
- Well now, why might he die with a smile on his face after all? It's yours to conclude. But the man talked about sex in his lyrics a lot.

This song is pure genius. Yes, it's about people being picked on. But there are layers here. Now go look at this lyric:

Park the car at the side of the road
You should know
Time's tide will smother you
And I will too

And answer this: Why are we parking? And what do you mean you will smother me too? And isn't it great that tide is in here to keep the coastal route theme?

Morrissey = genius.

Vampire Weekend – Diane Young Lyrics 10 years ago
I can't believe I just saw this song on a Vodka commercial. Although not nearly as important or historic, it's up there on the irony meter with President Reagan referencing Springsteen's "Born in the USA" with a sense of pride. It started with the following lyrics among others:

"Born down in a dead man's town
The first kick I took was when I hit the ground
You end up like a dog that's been beat too much
Until you spend half your life just covering up
Born in the U.S.A., I was born in the U.S.A."

Here's Ronnie:

Check out the comments and full lyrics here:

Freakin' hilarious. I hope you were in on it Ezra. Because if dying young from drinking too much vodka won't change your mind....

Vampire Weekend – Finger Back Lyrics 10 years ago
Give us a link to that interview please!!!!

MGMT – Congratulations Lyrics 10 years ago
I wanted to wait to post my feelings on this until the next album came out because the lyrics were so powerful to me. I see by the unusual length of the interpretations on here, I am not alone. This is what I wrote three years ago. I never finished it though.

I love this song. It's my favorite on this album. What a perfect close. I think this song is a fitting sequel to The Handshake. As usual with this band, it will take a while to digest the words. At this point I think it is autobiographical. Here are my first impressions:

"Dead in the water," means he isn't going anywhere or making any progress. This is the beginning of a theme of life and death in this song. I would suppose a lack of progress would be difficult for an intelligent artist to deal with over an extended period of time. “It’s not a paid vacation,” refers to the nagging feeling progress should be made.

“The sons and daughters of city officials attend demonstrations,” shows people of wealth and ease are actively engaged in trying to make a difference. This is in contrast with what the author feels about himself as he now has wealth and ease.

If you are left to "Sink or swim," no one gives you any help and it's up to you whether you fail or succeed. You fail or succeed, no matter what. “It’s hardly sink or swim when all is well if the ticket sells,” shows the financial comfort the author has attained. There is pressure to make popular music, but maybe there is an internal struggle about this.

“Out with a wimper (whimper?),” is another reference to death or finality, and is the opposite of another death reference, going out in, “A blaze of glory.” I'm starting to sense a little depression or anxiety here. There's another reference to this later. This makes me nervous. Kurt Cobain wrote about dying quite a bit as well. He fears fading away, and considering how the end of the career is going to happen. Is this the end?

“You look down from your temple,” shows the author is feeling the judgment of others. Is this a reference to those who feel they are selling out?

“As people endeavor to make it a story.” Endeavor means attempt or try. The big question here is what is, “It?” Is it going out with a whimper? The end of the band? The judgment of others?

“And chisel a marble word,” refers to permanency. Words carved in marble are permanent. Harsh judgments are being felt, but the author has a larger purpose for his art, which is summed up when he says, “But all is lost if it’s never heard.” This is in contrast to, “All is well if the ticket sells.” He wants to make his mark. He wants to keep his integrity. There is a struggle to balance these together.

But I've got someone to make reports

That tell me how my money's spent

To book my stays and draw my blinds

So I can't tell what's really there

“And all I need's a great big congratulations,” what else is left? He has it all. The sarcasm is dripping. Does he deserve it?

I'll keep your dreams

You pay attention for me

As strange as it seems

I'd rather dissolve than have you ignore me,” again he’s made a choice, or has a preference between two choices. This is a song about that. “Out with a wimper,
it's not a blaze of glory.” “And chisel a marble word, but all is lost if it's never heard.” He’ll speak of differences again below. He does want the art to be historic, but he wants people to hear it too. Quality trumps popularity in his mind.

“The ground may be moving fast,” can be caused by anxiety, taking lithium, and inner ear infections. I’ll discount the last one. At any rate, things are clearly out of control here.

“But I tied my boots to a broken mast,” may refer to The Wreck of the Hesperus," which is a narrative poem by American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The story presented the tragic consequences of a sea captain's pride. On an ill-fated voyage in the winter, he had his daughter aboard ship for company. The disaster came when the captain ignored the advice of one of his experienced men, who feared that a hurricane was approaching. When the hurricane arrived, he tied his daughter to the mast to prevent her from being swept overboard; she called out to her dying father as she heard the surf beating on the shore, then she prayed to Christ to calm the seas. The ship crashed onto the reef of Norman's Woe and sank; a horrified fisherman found the daughter's body, still tied to the mast, drifting in the surf the next morning. The poem ended with a prayer that we all be spared such a fate "on the reef of Norman's Woe".

The difference is clear

You throw it in your cauldron

Rust and veneer,

“Dusk and dawn,” seem very similar on first review. However, dusk is the beginning of darkness in the evening. Dawn is the time that marks the beginning of the twilight before sunrise. It is recognized by the presence of weak sunlight, while the sun itself is still below the horizon. This compares the beginning of darkness to the beginning of light.

“Steinways and Baldwins,” refers to the difference in quality and reputation. They may seem the same to some. However, the world's most expensive grand piano was custom-built by Steinway's factory in Hamburg, Germany, in 2008 for €1.2 million. The Baldwin Piano Company was the largest U.S.-based manufacturer of keyboard instruments, most notably pianos. It remains a subsidiary of the Gibson Guitar Corporation, although it ceased domestic production of pianos in December 2008. Which does he want to be like? Again, the question of permanence appears as it did with, “And chisel a marble word, but all is lost if it’s never heard.”

You start with a simple stock of all the waste

“And salt to taste,” can be caused by illness or chemicals in the body.

But damn my luck and damn these friends

That keep on combing back their smiles

I save my grace with half-assed guilt

And lay down the quilt upon the lawn

Spread my arms and soak up congratulations

Nico Vega – Easier Lyrics 11 years ago
It seems to me the narrator is in a relationship with someone who suffers from depression/anxiety, or maybe just amativeness. They see how their caring and love for that person can actually be doing both of them and even their relationship. What a beautiful song.

Nico Vega – Rabbit In The Bag Lyrics 11 years ago
It sounds like this is about prostitution, or how close dating can seem to it. No matter what, this is an amazing song. We need to get the word out about this band!

Imagine Dragons – It's Time Lyrics 11 years ago
I don't want to take the mystery or the personal meaning out of it for anyone. This can be an emotional song, as it surely was for Dan Reynolds. So stop reading if you want it to be special for you.

I'll just leave it at this for now: Imagine you're raised Mormon and you believe it deeply, so much that you honorably serve two years as a missionary in Nebraska, you come back to major in music at BYU, and it isn't working out the way you want it to, or the way you think it should. Your interest in it is waning. Now you've started a band and you're going to drop out of your church's most renowned school to pursue your career (Packing my bags and giving the academy a rain check). A lot of emotions probably go with that. And some of those emotions are in this song. People might even call your decision-making ability into question (I don't ever want to let you down). And you might wonder if they're right.


Imagine Dragons – On Top of the World Lyrics 11 years ago
It seems to me this is someone who has had a goal all their life, and now that he's fulfilling that mission he is trying to remind himself this is what he wanted, successfully I might add. Nice inspirational piece. I like it better with the lyrics.

Imagine Dragons – Bleeding Out Lyrics 11 years ago
It sounds to me like he's passionate about repenting. You'd have to have been to your own personal Gethsemane to understand.

MGMT – Flash Delirium Lyrics 14 years ago
You look down from your temple
As people endeavor to make it a story
And chisel a marble word
But all is lost if it's never heard

People like you are convinced you're right, but the band has other considerations. How do you make timeless art if very few know you exist.

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