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Glen Campbell – Wichita Lineman Lyrics 6 months ago
It's been established that he was still in love with a woman who had married someone else. This gives context to

"I hear you singin' in the wire
I can hear you through the whine"

As a linesman for the county, he has the equipment to hook up to her phone line and listen in to her conversations. He is stalking her.

Joan Baez – I Gave My Love a Cherry Lyrics 2 years ago
A cherry that is plucked while still a flower, a chicken still in the egg, are metaphors for premature birth. A baby that does not cry is stillborn.

Martha and the Muffins – Echo Beach Lyrics 11 years ago
This is one of those "Yearning for a faraway place" songs. I always find it bittersweet. I'm reminded of "Africa", by Toto. All of these songs are about lost childhood, or heaven, or something just over the horizon, or on the other side of the mirror.

Gwen Stefani – What You Waiting For? Lyrics 12 years ago
"Look at your watch now"

A hot female - even a super hot one - doesn't stay hot for long. Gwen knows it. They all know it. I see the HBs, and then I look over at the cougar rack and think "look at your watch, HB". Desperate to marry money, desperate to capitalize on their sex while it's still good. Like the devil, they know their time is short.

Gwen Stefani – Hollaback Girl Lyrics 12 years ago
Ooops - wrong GS song. Hollaback Girl is simpler.

"Gimme an E!"
"Gimme an F!"

"I aint no holla-back girl" is a "rap boast" - she's the cheer *leader*, not just one of the girls in the chorus who hollers back. Im' reminded of Whoopi Goldberg's "Sister Act": "I was never a Vegas showgirl. I was a *headliner*!"

Gwen Stefani – Hollaback Girl Lyrics 12 years ago
"Look at your watch now"

A hot female - even a super hot one - doesn't stay hot for long. Gwen knows it. They all know it. I see the HBs, and then I look over at the cougar rack and think "look at your watch, HB". Desperate to marry money, desperate to capitalize on their sex while it's still good. Like the devil, they know their time is short.

Robbie Williams – Kids Lyrics 16 years ago
As to whatt the song means to me - Well, the chorus has a *wicked* chordal structure.

The verse vamps A to D (basically), and the chorus is
A... | C... | D... | F.G.
C... | B... | D... | F.G.

Robbie Williams – Kids Lyrics 16 years ago
And the "I'm going to give it all of my love" - the "it" is marriage. Once again, as the church requires.

I suppose the song might be about some other person. But its about how sex according to the church - married and un-contracepted - can still be good.

Robbie Williams – Kids Lyrics 16 years ago
Robbie is roman catholic, or has some sort of roman catholic influence. "Through it all, she offers me protection" - "Shee" is Mother Mary.

The Catholic church forbids the use of contraception. The only legitimate purpose of sex is in order to procreate - anything else is the sin of Lust. But that's ok: he doesn't mind doing it in order to have children. So jump on board!

Queen – Dragon Attack Lyrics 16 years ago
Gonna use my stack
It's gotta be Mack

Marshall speaker stacks, perhaps?

Anyway - I love the bass on this one.

Dexys Midnight Runners – Come On Eileen Lyrics 16 years ago
It's about a pair of young people that don't realise that they are about to fall into exactly the same trap that their parents fell into - getting pregnant young. They think they are young and clever, but they are no younger and cleverer than all those resigned, beaten down adults were when they too were young.

Pretty soon it will be "I'm pregnant, Dexie. What are we going to do?" A hasty marriage, Eileen will lose her shape and sparkle, and he will be working 'down mill for tuppence a month for the rest of his life, just like his sad old dad.

(Compare to my comments on Bohemian Like You - another song that uses a similar irony).

The Dandy Warhols – Bohemian Like You Lyrics 16 years ago
Oh. since I didn't mention it earlier - there are a number of songs where the central irony is that the singer, the song's "narrator", is deluded or mistaken about something and doesn't know it, even though it's obvious to the listener. Another is "come on Eileen".

The Dandy Warhols – Bohemian Like You Lyrics 16 years ago
it's about a guy picking up a girl - thinks he's smooth, thinks he's playing the girl. Turns out, the girl is a complete maneater and he doesn't even realise it. In 2 months time, *he* will be the poor sap sleeping on the couch, not getting any, while this girl brings home a succession of guys and bangs them right under his nose.

And the sweet thing is that he won't be able to complain or looked bummed - not even a little - when he is eaten up with jealousy, because of his own rules - Mr "Casual, Casual easy thing".

Turns out love and sex is never really a casual easy thing. Someone always gets hurt. And Mr Smooth here doesn't realise that it's going to be him.

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