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Joni Mitchell – Willy Lyrics 16 years ago
Hilichris, you are an idiot. And an asshole. Also, completely ignorant.

I know this has nothing to do with the song, but I take comfort in the fact that it's not as stupid as Hilichris's comment.

The Fray – How To Save A Life Lyrics 18 years ago
This was one song among a few hundred that my sister gave me randomly for my graduation... it hits me hard, especially since a friend of mine is, at the moment, trying to overcome a cocaine addiction. It describes my feelings perfectly... I just hope my friend doesn't give up.

They Might Be Giants – Letterbox Lyrics 18 years ago
...don't TMBG usually just write stuff that's meant to confuse people? There's no *point,* it's just...weird. With a little bit of meaning thrown in there.

James Taylor – The Water Is Wide Lyrics 18 years ago
Ya know what's really ironic, guys? The whole version shows that it's about a *false* lover. THe guy goes away, and doesn't come back.
One of my favorites, but not something you'd want to play at a wedding...

Sheryl Crow – The Na-Na Song Lyrics 18 years ago
Feels to me like it's about materialism and its effects...

The Beatles – We Can Work It Out Lyrics 18 years ago
'no right to sing a beatles song'? It's not like he attributed it to himeself...or at least, I assume he didn't. Art--and that includes songs as well as visual art and literature--is meant to be shared. There certainly isn't anything wrong with singing any song you can get your hands on, as long as you don't claim it's your own.

Beatlesman, no offense, but maybe you could try to be a little nicer. Oh, yeah, and learn to spell.

Counting Crows – Rain King Lyrics 18 years ago
This is purely speculation, so please nobody go shooting me down...but the 'black-winged bird' might be a reference to the Morrigan, from Irish mythology--also, according to a site I just pulled up, her name translates as either "Great Queen" or "Phantom Queen." She often appears in the shape of a crow (raven, rook, whatever you want to call it. Big black bird.) The Morrigan is the goddess of battle, but also of fertility. She isn't the goddess of death, although she's closely related to it--she is, according to one source, the "keeper of death." I do think it's possible they were trying to make a link there. Thoughts, anyone?

They Might Be Giants – Someone Keeps Moving My Chair Lyrics 18 years ago
The thing you always have to remember is, TMBG don't often make sense. What I can tell is, people are annoying this guy, and he's kinda too focussed on his chair to notice. They probably meant it literally, in an effort to make as little sense as possible.

They Might Be Giants – Birdhouse in Your Soul Lyrics 18 years ago
I love this song.
Love love love.
Anyway...Jason and the Argonauts were on a _ship_, and if there weren't a lighthouse (if, for instance, there was a teeny tiny nightlight instead, which they couldn't see), the ship would crash--thus killing Jason off, and countless screaming argonauts. ;D

Re the Jesus thing...I agree there are spiritual references, but nothing that specifically points to any aspect of the Christian religion.

I don't even want to think about the sticky thing growing on your genitals... ew.

Mary Chapin Carpenter – The End Of My Pirate Days Lyrics 18 years ago
She thought love was exciting, and then got burned when he left.

Sting – Fragile Lyrics 18 years ago
"Beneath an angry star"... I think it means people fated, doomed, to suffer. Like how Shakespeare opens Romeo and Juliet with the bit about "Star-crossed lovers"--people used to read your fortunes in the stars... It's not necessarily a prophecy, but an inevitability. It's a very sad song...a warning, almost.

Mary Chapin Carpenter – This Shirt Lyrics 18 years ago
Shameless fluff, but kinda nice

Sting – Ghost Story Lyrics 18 years ago
Beautiful simplicity. I love the key change at the end (Okay, musicians' nonsense, but it's my favorite part because of that...)

They Might Be Giants – They Might Be Giants Lyrics 18 years ago
This band is a cult in the camp I used to go older friend the first year had another (chinese) friend of ours write in Chinese on her arm, "They could be really big people" (He didn't know the chinese letter for giants... ;) )
Anyway, I love this band, and I love this song.

Josh Groban – Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring Lyrics 18 years ago
This is one of my favorite Christmas songs.

Well, actually, it's not really a christmas song, is it. But it's sort of a christmas song, since it's usually played around Christmas. And that's good enoguh for me...

Ooh, I love Bach.

Mary Chapin Carpenter – 10,000 Miles Lyrics 18 years ago
This song was in the Disney movie "Fly Away Home." Beautiful song... I think it's originally Irish or something.

Sting – Why Should I Cry For You? Lyrics 18 years ago
I always assumed it was about someone who's been hurt by his girlfriend or something, but when I look closely at it, it's obviously about a sailor of some sort...there are tons of nautical references.

Big Country – In A Big Country Lyrics 18 years ago
I think it's about making the best of what you have... "I'm not expecting to grow flowers in the desert, but I can live and breathe and see the sun in wintertime." Life isn't perfect, but you can always find a way to make things look more positive.

Billy Joel – You May Be Right Lyrics 18 years ago
"And you told me not to drive
But I made it home alive
So you said that only proves that I'm insane"--Fantastic!
And "It just may be a lunatic you're looking for"... I love this song.

Mary Chapin Carpenter – The Last Word Lyrics 18 years ago
When I was little, this kinda reminded me of my parents' divorce... Obviously, it's a relationship gone bad.

Sting – All This Time Lyrics 18 years ago
It feels like Sting is saying that they way you practice religion isn't important, as long as you hold respect for...I dunno. God? Nature? Maybe just life itself.

Anyway, I love this song.

Sting – Russians Lyrics 18 years ago
Okay...I'm only 17, so I was born just before the Cold War ended. So what I'm saying may not be totally valid, but...
I think what Sting was doing here was pretty brave. I mean, the western world (at least America) was very anti-Russian, anti-Communist, whatever. And he was basically saying, "we're at least as bad as they are." So, I think that was a brave thing to do, pointing out the Russians' humanity--and maybe our mistakes, as well.

The Beatles – Eleanor Rigby Lyrics 18 years ago
"Waits at the window, wearing a face she keeps in a jar by the door"...Beautiful. Plus, the violin...

They Might Be Giants – Road Movie To Berlin Lyrics 18 years ago
I always thought it was about WWII, but the holocaust in particular. For example, it taliks about "THe nicest of the damned." And "can't go out the way we drove in" is sort of a weird way of talking about the gas chambers... gruesome, but an interesting salute to the victims. If this is the case, that is.

Sting – Brand New Day Lyrics 18 years ago
Truth? I really hate this song. I think just because of the tune, but...sounds kinda corny to me.

Rent – Seasons Of Love Lyrics 18 years ago
They made us sing this in chorus. The bad chorus, that is: I'm also part of the smaller, better chorus. So for me this song means grating harmonies...

Mary Chapin Carpenter – Grow Old With Me Lyrics 18 years ago
Beautiful. I'm pretty sure she's not the first one to sing this, though.

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