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Muse – Starlight Lyrics 19 years ago
Think this song is probably going to end up being a single. It's very very good.... must say it does remind me just a tiny bit of Abba.... still thats not a terrible thing.

Dream Theater – Never Enough Lyrics 19 years ago
Wow, this sounds very much like "Hysteria" - Muse.

Makes sense actually cause he was saying DT have been inspired by them recently.

Amazing song.

Babyshambles – Albion Lyrics 19 years ago
I love this song, it's incredibly beautiful.

Avril Lavigne – I'm With You Lyrics 19 years ago
Christ, almighty.

If you don't like the song then just fuck off. JESUS. What are you doing on here???

Not a big Avril fan, but I do think she does some quite nice acoustic stuff. It's a nice song, and to be honest, I couldn't really care less who wrote it.

If you don't take these bands seriously (Green Day, Blink, MCR all that shit) then you've got nothing to worry about. Occasionally they throw out a good sogn and when it happens you just say "Yeah, that songs alright"

rant over

Muse – Sing for Absolution Lyrics 19 years ago
I agree with the 'end of the world' theory. Obviously if the world is ending there is 'nowhere left to hide', because where can you hide from the apocalypse?

I think maybe 'I only dream of you and you never knew', could be the singers sudden appeciation for the world, the beauty of nature and the fact that as soon as he really started to appreciate it he can't have it, because it's all coming to an end.

The 'falling from your grace' is the falling of mankind, the things we once valued so much, ie. money etc suddenley mean nothing.

A very beautiful song from Muse, with a mindblowing solo at 3:08. Always makes me think of something that had previously seemed so right, slowly spiralling and going wrong.

Muse – The Groove Lyrics 19 years ago
Why has hardly anybody commented on this? Christ, it has a riff hendrix would be proud of of and Matt wails over the top about 'The Groove'.

Truly amazing song from Muse, although maybe not as deep as some of their other songs.

Muse – Citizen Erased Lyrics 19 years ago
What a fucking song.

Muse just do the most amazing things to your emotions and your whole perception of life.


Muse – Screenager Lyrics 19 years ago
Wow, this is a beautiful song.. I hope some stupid parent out there accidentally stumbles across it, and they might actually realise how hard it is for their kids growing up in todays modern society. Things aren't the same as they used to be. There's so much pressure to be popular and hang round in a big group ("Who's so phoney and always so surrounded?") and look a certain way ("Hide from the mirror") so much so that people change themselves just to fit in.

Oh yeah, and I love Muse so much they fucking own.

The Rakes – Terror Lyrics 19 years ago
*looks around*

I'm the only one here then. Not for long hopefully.

Alan Donohoe told Nme this song was about a person who has a dream about a terrorist attack in London. He's clearly begging his partner not to go into London because he feels his dream was prophetic and there will actually be a terrorist attack in the future.

The last verse is where he is took over by the fear and is paranoid about the thought of going into London, where ordinary things like suitcases and planes look like weapons to him.

Fairly creepy, really, considering what just happened.

Tool – Opiate Lyrics 19 years ago
This song could have come straight from me (if I was as talented as Tool), because it mirrors perfectly my thoughts on Religion. Religion is a terrible thing. You only have to look at all the terror attacks in the world to see that religion can be twisted far too easily. Corrupt leaders can completely change the original meanings of things to suit with their individual desires, and the result is catastrophic.

Having said that, I am enlightened and I don't believe in God anyway, so.. yeah.

*Tool RAWK!!*

Muse – Stockholm Syndrome Lyrics 19 years ago
I agree with RomanChristopher. The song doesn't neccesarily have to be about someone being treated badly. That might be the original way that Muse intended, but it doesn't have to be the case.

This could be about two people who just can't be together even though they want to be. For example, a teacher and his student. They can't be together even though it's what they want, so they try to forget about each other, but they can't do that either.

This is the wonderful thing about Muse. All of their songs are pretty much open to interpretation.

Radiohead – Street Spirit (Fade Out) Lyrics 20 years ago
This is the most depressing song I have ever heard. Fuck Sinead O' Connor, or whoever else VH1's always raving on about. This is the deepest song and the most emotional song I've ever listened to. It's amazing. Once when we were in music the teacher played this song as an example of art rock, and the entire class, (chav's included) went totally silent.

There is not a person on earth that could listen to it and not feel some emotion.

To me, the song is about depression and feeling like no matter what you do, you're doomed because eventually you will die.

Snow Patrol – Spitting Games Lyrics 20 years ago
This song makes me think of this gorgeous lad in my year and I just can't get the courage up to talk to him. And he's too shy to talk to me. And if he would just TALK to me we would probably get along so well that we would end up going out.



The Jimi Hendrix Experience – Purple Haze Lyrics 20 years ago
Oh, I fucking love this song.

Baccara – Yes Sir, I Can Boogie Lyrics 20 years ago
Ah, come on people. This song might might be shallow as hell but at least it's catchy.

I think it's about a lap-dancer.

*Feminism rules*

The White Stripes – I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself Lyrics 20 years ago
I love that song so much. I think the meanings pretty obvious though.

The Police – Don't Stand So Close To Me Lyrics 20 years ago
I can really relate to this song. I fell totally in love with one of my teachers last year and just recently he seems to be returning my feelings. I mean, I don't know for sure but that's the way it seems.

Anyway, why is the chorus 'Don't stand so close to me'? Which one of the two of them in supposed to be saying that and why? Surely if they had feelings for each other, they would WANT to be close, even if it was killing them. That's the way I feel anyway.

Muse – Hysteria Lyrics 20 years ago
I love this song. Its possibly my favourite song of all time. I pretty much go with the prostitute line, but only because of the first video. It could be about anything really. Being addicted to something, being in love with someone... Who cares, with a bass line like that!!! It is very fast to play, though.

The Hives – Dead Quote Olympics Lyrics 20 years ago
Why has no one commented on this song? It's brilliant!
Okay, I think it's self explanatory, it's about a person who thinks they're really clever because they know a lot of facts. Things that famous people from the past have said and stuff. But the person isn't clever really, because they don't know any of the things a person should know, like how to love someone etc. The person doesn't have an imagination or anything.

Radiohead – Karma Police Lyrics 20 years ago
I think this song is about the way society seems to hate itself.

Like 'Her hitler hairdo is making me feel ill.' In Germany there's such a feeling of guilt about the Nazi's and they seem so worried in case something like tha happens again over there. All political parties like that are banned and I think that ties in with 'Karma Police' as if they believe they'll get bad karma if they let anything like that happen again.

The 'Talks in Maths' bit could be the way people who are slightly cleverer (Is that a word??) get picked on at school and are called Nerds because people don't understand them. Or maybe not. Oh well, that's what I think in any case.

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