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Gorky's Zygotic Mynci – Young Girls And Happy Endings Lyrics 16 years ago
A witty commentary on the music industry and how consumers like happy, upbeat songs with "happily ever after" themes, even if the artists of such songs do not believe in the messages that they communicate through their music. fantastic, and it is a happy, upbeat song, until you realize that gorky's is criticizing this sort of genre. very much reminiscent of Belle & Sebastian's "Get me away from here, I'm dying," I think

Gorky's Zygotic Mynci – She Lives On A Mountain Lyrics 16 years ago
what a beautiful, sad song. i love gorky's songs that are like these.

to me, this particular one is (quite obviously i suppose) about falling in love with someone who is very distant from you, both in a physical and mental sense. she is from the mountains and he is from the town. she is thereby linked to the natural world whereas he is part of the bustling life of civilisation, which she probably rejected some time ago. furthermore, she is a hermit: an introverted type that is incapable of forming relationships with others, let alone falling in love with someone else (hence, his friends laugh when he suggests that she might be in love with him).

by looking towards nature, he tries to learn if she is in fact in love with him, and perhaps if he is actually in love with her (or if it's just an infatuation with the mysterious). He doesn't get any answers though (no traces i could he talking about traces of his love for the girl that he would see in his reflection? i think that he is); he is just astonished by the beauty of the natural world and then when night falls, he is left wondering if he can ever fall in love with her even though he knows that he is mystified by her. he later equates her to everything surrounding the mountain ("she lives on a mountain/her face is all around"): the river, sea, etc. by doing this, perhaps that storm clouds are representative of her too, as they surely are around the mountain. and, no rain comes from the storm clouds, suggesting that she hasn't been seen for awhile and he'll never know how she felt about him, or even how he actually feels about her.

Belle & Sebastian – I Don't Love Anyone Lyrics 17 years ago
well honestly alamobasement, i don't love christmas.

tehehehehehe. this is a great song and i think it's from a disliked kid's POV. if that is the case however, the man that he met is kind of creepy.

Björk – Karvel Lyrics 20 years ago
'Don't listen' I said
They are giving you the wrong message
They are practising breathing into the heart
Nonsense and nonsense

Love everyone and "I love you"
And everyone here
Everyone here loves you

Love everyone and "I love you"
And everyone here
Everyone here loves you

You have to remember to calculate
And dont you understand the future
And don't trust nuns

And the sun doesn't sink today
And never never never never

Love everyone and "I love you"
And I never
And I never love you

O ho!
The devil stands and doesn't know how to smoke
And when the huge motherfucker starts moving
Try to open up
They practice breathing into the heart
And the devil knows

Love everyone and "I love you"
And I never
And I never love you
All that you see

Don't listen' I said
And 'don't listen' I said

The Sugarcubes – Traitor Lyrics 20 years ago
this is one of the best songs ever written. I am not sure exactly what it means, but my favorite lines are:
"I smile just knowing When the sun rises I will not see."

I think it's about being perse/(exe)cuted for your beliefs and/or insincerity, but keeping your convictions and not using a facade. It is a song about martyrdom.

oh yeah, catalan is a romance language spoken by people of catalonia (in spain i believe, but also in other nations like italy's island sardenia).

The Sugarcubes – Fucking In Rhythm And Sorrow Lyrics 20 years ago
basically, deal with what life gives you. life is not always bad, but it isn't always good. when a bad situation arises, use the pain to give you strength and overcome angst. this song is great!

The Sugarcubes – Birthday Lyrics 20 years ago
i love this song! it is quite weird, but I have no idea what it means. In some ways, I feel as if there are sexual references ("sows a bird in her knickers"). This makes me think of pedophilia b/c he is older and she is younger. It seems like they are content with their distant, idiosyncratic lives together but i am still spooked out by the fact that this bearded guy is her best friend. this is my favorite sugarcubes song though (the icelandic version ROCKS!!)

The Queers – Stupid Fucking Vegan Lyrics 21 years ago
But I like vegans!!!!!!!!!!!

Polaris – Hey Sandy Lyrics 21 years ago
If the mysterious 3rd line is "would you settle to shoot me" (as i firmly believe) this song is about the may 4th Kent State Shootings in which the Ohio National Guard killed 4 students protesting Vietnam, including one girl named Sandy Scheuer. The MP3 of it that I have starts off with:"Jupiter Or Thor is perfect; we need atlas for all of our long distance stuff. The titan will be even better. They shouldn't have cancelled Mama, wait 'till they see our submarines with polaris..." Which too me souonds like some defence strategy. Great song anyway

Dramarama – Anything, Anything Lyrics 21 years ago
Dramarama is the best, and personally I don't think any band can cover them, or at least this song. Some of thier songs aren't as strong, but this one is. I LOVE IT!!!!

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