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Paranoid Social Club – Two Girls Lyrics 18 years ago
You misspelled break, moron.

System of a Down – B.Y.O.B. Lyrics 19 years ago
Naw, I'm just kidding.

System of a Down – B.Y.O.B. Lyrics 19 years ago
This song is obviously about hunger in Africa. Starving, diseased-ridden children who if they grow up, they do so to lead pointless lives that would make no changes in this world. I think they are saying that we should bomb the whole continent to stop the spread of aids and to relieve them of their pain and suffering, and how we wouldn't really miss them because they don't contribute to the world at all.

Deadsy – The Key to Gramercy Park Lyrics 22 years ago
Tbone732 - Yes, I am a great System of a Down fan! The toxicity album rules! Anyways, I submitted a couple of song meanings when the album first came out, but haven't visited since then. Read my brother's(MagicMidget) post about toxicity, b/c I also believe that is EXACTLY what serj is trying to say (although I did think he was talking about capitalistism as opposed to totalitarianism until he explained it to me). Aerials directly refers to planes in the sky, but the song is about technology moving ahead a little too quickly (I am pretty sure). Chop suey, well.... still looking into that one. I had an idea once but I forgot what it was. I will take a little time out and try to explain Aerials and some others. Just remember that SOAD is a very political band and a lot of their songs deal with oppression, technology, and the world as they would like to see it. Then they have great songs like bounce which is obviously about an orgy :) and songs about coked up groupies! Gotta love those!

System of a Down – Toxicity Lyrics 22 years ago
Magic Midget got it exactly right. Listen to him.

Deadsy – The Key to Gramercy Park Lyrics 22 years ago
Ahhh!!! I found this on Deadsy's website. This is a direct quote from Phillips Exeter Blue (P exeter blue :P) about the Key to Grammercy Park. This is the URL if you want to read it yourself -

This is the quote -
We engineered that song to be like the gateway [to the album]—It's not too arty, and it's a slamming, three-minute-and-11-second rock jam. It's well structured, it's in your face, and it was engineered to be that song for us that is a good way to brief people on what the band is about. Granted, I wrote the song like nine months ago, but it deals with not the history of New York violence, but the darker side of New York... It's kind of using Gramercy Park as a sanctuary metaphor. With all the darker stuff that's gone on, like the history of Central Park murders and stuff, that's one other way it could be construed. The lyrics in all our songs are written pretty metaphorically."

On a side note, I read that the Hittites were also considered to be a brutal group of savages and they painted their faces when going into battle. I think that they are metaphorically comparing gangs to hittites. I understand this song a little more now. Looking for fights and action, the ID wasn't meant to be starved=wanting to satisfy the animal urges to fight. Neat, huh? I am a little sad b/c I read the answer as opposed to figuring it out myself, but so is life. :)

Deadsy – The Key to Gramercy Park Lyrics 22 years ago
Hittites - A member of an ancient people living in Anatolia and northern Syria about 2000-1200 B.C.

They were also constantly at war with the egyptians and the Assyrians. Their alphabet has never been deciphered.

My brother and I also came up w/ another theory for this song -
Deadsy now has the "key" to Grammercy Park, and now that they have the key, the last safe place in an unsafe world will be infiltrated. Now that they have the power of the key, the ability to infiltrate a very exclusive haven, they would use this oppurtunity to contaminate an otherwise safe place (or believed to be so). Now that they have such easy access to this sanctuary, they don't have to go through the difficulties of breaking in. They would contaminate this park through what seems to be, our 2nd interpretation, through a series of grisley murders. I still have no idea what this has to do with the hittites, nor the part in the video where each band member has a title such as Dr. Nner and "the creature". This part definitely makes no sense to us at all. But, I will later look into the hittites and see what more information I can dig up. Wait, I just figured this out, Dr. Nner and P Exeter Blue are the Bandmates pseudonyms. I still don't understand them tho. :P

We are dedicated to finding out what the hell this song is about! :D Check back later for more info!

Deadsy – The Key to Gramercy Park Lyrics 22 years ago
Information about Gramercy Park -

Gramercy Park is one of the most beautiful parks in New York City. The well manicured private park however is not open to the general public (except for once a year). The area around Gramercy Park was developed in 1831 by Samuel B. Ruggles who laid out lots around New York City's only surviving private park. Buyers of the lots became joint owners of the park and each received a key to the gate.

So, Gramercy Park isn't open to the public, and you really do have to have a KEY to get in it.

Hmmm.... I kinda think Deadsy is really saying that they acheieved a goal, but they are sad b/c they are going to miss working for it. I.E. - they going to miss breaking into the bars now that they have the key (in the lyrics)
Maybe its something about them being famous and everything handed to them. I don't know, this song is very cryptic.

Deadsy – The Key to Gramercy Park Lyrics 22 years ago
I agree with ab0ve. STFU about whether you like the song or not!!!!

Anyways, I think that I have a hint. Grammercry Park Hotel was a song written by Ben-lee. It talks about him and some guy in the hotel singing songs and probably being homosexual, or that's what I got from it. Oh yeah, and fading away and getting old.

Here goes is the worst interpretaion probably ever of a song, but I am going to try it anyway. I think Deadsy has the key to the hotel, and he is going to go in there and carve up Ben-Lee!!! HAH!! Or have sex with him, I haven't decided yet.

Ok, I don't really think that is what the song is about, but I did introduce the Ben-Lee clue. Also, my mom said that the Beetles used to write songs about Grammercy Park, but I have found no proof.

Please try to stick to writing Meanings about the song!

Blondie – Rush Rush Lyrics 22 years ago
One word - Cocaine!!!! (for those of you that don't know, yayo is slang for cocaine)
I hate that drug!!!
Anyways, I found it mightily funny that they included this song in Grand Theft Auto 3. Great game, if that is your cup of tea. Nothing like jacking cars while people are in them and then running the drivers over! Way better rush than coke! :P

System of a Down – Toxicity Lyrics 22 years ago
I have no clue, but I think that Rave is the closest to it. And he did a real good job on another song. That meaning sounds closest to a SOAD meaning also.

System of a Down – Psycho Lyrics 22 years ago
The song is obviously about groupies. I don't see how it could be interpreted otherwise. Telling them they don't have to be a ho to see the show. And how they are crazy cokeheads.

System of a Down – Bounce Lyrics 22 years ago
Good, I was worried I was a pervert b/c I thought the same thing. Great song, I think it is funny as hell.

System of a Down – X Lyrics 22 years ago
Yeah it's about a government that regulates everything, even population control, like they do in Japan. They aren't necessarily talking about the Japanese government, I think that they are talking about a government that could be.

System of a Down – Forest Lyrics 22 years ago
Oh yeah, he feels that he is shaping you like a child growing into an adult. He is so proud of his you that he wants you to scream everything he has told you.

System of a Down – Forest Lyrics 22 years ago
This song is directed to the fans. He has shown the fans (his child) the turmoil created in our nation with his lyrics (ie political songs like Prison Song), and wants you to spread the word. "You made the weapons for us all" is talking about how we have contributed to unimportant object like tv and circumcision which he explains in the lyrics. "Why can't you see that you are my child, Why don't you know that you are my mind" means that you are listening to his lyrics and that you need to tell everyone the world that he gave you a glimpse of (the forest turned to wine/sand).

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