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Counting Crows – American Girls Lyrics 21 years ago
wow this song is so much fun i could jump around and sing to it all day... but i think if i listen to it too much im going to get sick of it so i better stop listening to it as much cos i dont want to get sick of it!!

Creed – One Last Breath Lyrics 21 years ago
Okay, so i'm thinking nobody will read my message as there already is one hundred and something already on here, but I thought I would put my two cents in anyway! This song is a very meaningful song, as are most of creeds and I try hard to understand them, that's why I come to this site... to view other people's perception of songs! To me, this song is about God... what else could it be about? Some people say it could be about a broken relationship? I say, I don't think that people really can affect another person as much as God can.
'Please come now I think I'm falling
I'm holding on to all I think is safe'
To me, this is a cry out to God... because no one can save him like God can. No other person can save our lives... our eternal lives that is.
'It seems I found the road to nowhere
And I'm trying to escape
I yelled back when I heard thunder
But I'm down to one last breath'
I think, the writer has tried to live life their on way 'road to no where' but they found they can't live it properly without God 'and im trying to escape'. 'I yelled back when I heard thunder' I think thunder is God's voice... or what God was trying to say to this person, and the person yelled back, as in they disagreed with what God said 'but im down to one last breath' they can't yell back anymore. Well that is a bit of my interpritation.
In response to some of the messages posted on here that say they dont like creed, creed suck ra ra ra... what are you doing looking at creed lyrics if you dont like them? I mean, i'm not a big fan of Maralyn Manson, but i dont go into his lyrics abusing his fans! Someone also in their message paid out on Scott Stapp saying he thinks he's like Jesus. Well, I would personally say I WISH I was like Jesus, and that's what I strive for each day, to be more like him. Good on Scott Stapp if he does think he's like Jesus, although from his song lyrics, it is apparent that he thinks himself far from it! I think it is far better for a person to think they are like Jesus, than for them to think they are like say Maralyn Manson (sorry if i'm spelling his name wrong)! Jesus was the best influence on this world, how does thinking you're like him make you gay? Really? Isn't being gay a sin anyway? How can Christians be gay? Well i'm sorry I went on, i'm just getting sick of reading posted messages saying creed are gay and all that! I really enjoy creed's music and I have respect for someone who can write such beautiful song lyrics!

The Ataris – Hey Kid! Lyrics 22 years ago
OMG this is a mad as song! I lurve the ataris...

Counting Crows – Colorblind Lyrics 22 years ago
To me this song is about someone who is pretending to be someone they are not... and not letting anyone in to ese their real selves... and then, they are ready to show their real selves... 'pull me out from inside'. They play this song on Cruel Intentions when Sebastian is going to show his real self to Anette... I love this song. It's really powerful.

Lifehouse – Everything Lyrics 22 years ago
This song is so powerful. It cannot be intended for a girl, it had to be about God. Only God can give you the peace of mind he is talking about in this song.

The Verve Pipe – The Freshmen Lyrics 22 years ago
This is my favourite song of all time.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Ataris – San Dimas High School Football Rules Lyrics 22 years ago
I lurve this song, it's the best!!!! :-)

New Found Glory – The Glory of Love (Peter Cetera cover) Lyrics 22 years ago
I love this song, it's so cute!!

New Found Glory – Broken Sound Lyrics 22 years ago
Well i love this song, cos I can relate to it. But I think it's about someone just expressing their feelings towards the person they love, but then regretting it. Longing to be loved by the person they love. It's cute.

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