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Sonic Youth – Dirty Boots Lyrics 17 years ago
Jelly roll's sex, something/someone sexy; old blues slang, covers a lot of ground--all of it either wet or throbbing one.

Local H – Buffalo Trace Lyrics 17 years ago
Whoa, a song about going to Kentucky.

Heaven Hill Distilleries, Buffalo Trace boy scouts somewhere in Indiana and Illinois, that Man o' War racehorse, the Blue Grass Parkway. I don't know why I figured all these things out, but I did.

Tenacious D – My Biznitch Is the Shiznit Lyrics 19 years ago
I refuse to support him because I'm trying to ween him off them. Eventually, he'll come back to his real love.


Got that?

Local H – Hands On The Bible Lyrics 19 years ago
Several months later and I realize how stupid I was when I typed that. I meant to say that, Stoney, I really did, and I hope my apology comes through in beautiful shining colors.

Faith No More – Kindergarten Lyrics 19 years ago
Drinking fountains are shorter than they used to be because he keeps failing. He's growing up, but nothing's growing with him. The "no escapey past" is a nice interpretation, but I think I'll keep just jamming out to a stupid kid.

Pixies – Winterlong Lyrics 19 years ago
Whoa, this is a good song to listen to on a snowy day? Winterlong's Neil Young at his Neil Young-best, which is to say melancholy as hell. Great song though, and the Pixies did a good cover.

Local H – Hands On The Bible Lyrics 19 years ago
C'mon Bulky, that only works if you don't pay attention to the lyrics. It's a really sarcastic song about abortion, with some scathing lyrics that come across so heavy-handed you can't take it seriously. It's a chick coming to terms with an abortion, or being forced to. Whatever.

It was on Here Comes the Zoo, which was the last album the original Local H had.

Alice in Chains – The Killer Is Me Lyrics 21 years ago
Written by Jerry, couple hours before the Unplugged show after he pestered Layne to write it for a long time.

The more you kno...etc.

Alice in Chains – Would? Lyrics 21 years ago
It's definitely about Andrew Wood in the direct interpretation, but it also fits the story the album sets out well.

The first song, Them Bones, is about coming to terms with death. Over the course of the album, the character goes through many things to try to accept his fate, finally coming to terms with it in Angry Chair. Then, in Would?, it ends with a bizarre psuedo-suicide pact. Sure, it's meant to be taken as "if I would quit, could you?" , but if you look at it in the story stand-put, it could easily be taken as "if I would end my life, could you?" or any other similar meaning.

Great song, great album, no matter how you take it.

Alice in Chains – Frogs Lyrics 21 years ago
Sounds more like it's about friends having an argument and lying to each other about it, and the general depression involved with arguing people that are close to you.

Alice in Chains – Got Me Wrong Lyrics 21 years ago
Great song, completely.

Exact reason it was written was because Cantrell was dating another chick during one of the breaks from his long-time girlfriend. She thought it was more than it was, and he wanted to make it clear that it was just a temporary thing.

Live – Shit Towne Lyrics 22 years ago
This is my town. It describes it perfectly.

The Smiths – Girlfriend in a Coma Lyrics 22 years ago
I ignore that because... Because, yeah, I forgot about that part of the song. Forgive me, but at least my interpretation works for the part I remembered.

As for the ending, it makes sense that he'd want to put a conclusion to things, as opposed to just waiting for her to die. Cough cough, covering my ass.

Good Charlotte – Lifestyles Of The Rich And Famous Lyrics 22 years ago
Uh, aren't they sort of preaching against themselves?

It's not like they have to beg for money or anything, they hosted their own show on MTV, and are making a whole Hell of a lot more money than I'm making. Hypocrisy sells!, I guess.

Wax – California Lyrics 22 years ago
This song is great. The only correction I can think of is "smog isn't blue," instead of "smile gets blue."

Anyways, I think its meaning's pretty clear. A guy moved away from his girl, and misses the Hell out of her.

Pop Will Eat Itself – Ich Bin Ein Auslander Lyrics 22 years ago
Actually, it's "(You call us) Ich bin ein Auslander."

Placebo – Slackerbitch Lyrics 22 years ago
It sounds more like an apology. A faghag is someone that always ends up with guys that turn out to be gay, so it's almost like he's apologizing for leading her on when she wasn't what he wanted. This theory works better considering he's bi (flamingly gay.)

And yes, this song is great.

Tool – The Gaping Lotus Experience Lyrics 22 years ago
And you got the lyrics wrong.

Tool – The Gaping Lotus Experience Lyrics 22 years ago
Hahah, people think this is a deep song? Jesus fuck, this is the kind of story you sit around and tell your friends while drinking.

"Yeah, I knew this dude, once, he fucking got wasted, and pissed all over my goddamned apartment, man."

Tool are not goddamned genius fucking psychological philosophers. They're great, but they're still people. Who gives a fuck if they do drugs or not?

Tool – Cold and Ugly Lyrics 22 years ago
I love you, APoisonedChild. The idea of this as a song about raping someone is fucking beautiful on a level beyond beautiful.

I still think it's pretty fucking simple, though. I mean, shit, how complicated is it? Chick hides behind mask. Guy can relate, but can't bring himself to tell her that he relates, because...NOTHING SEEMS TO PENETRATE HER. This isn't rocket science, kids.

Tool – Part of Me Lyrics 22 years ago
Fuck deeper meaning.

He was in high school, and wrote a love song to his cock.

The Ataris – Looking Back On Today Lyrics 22 years ago
Same here, onthestereo. I mean, think of the poor studio executive that lost his job because he fell asleep/got drunk/got stoned and okayed this shitty fucking band's record deal.

The Smiths – Girlfriend in a Coma Lyrics 22 years ago
I could've sworn this was one of the most sarcastic and biting songs that ever existed.

"Yeah, I know it's serious. Look, doc, do you really think she'll make - no, I don't want to see her - anyways, do you really think she's gonna survive?"

Look at it that way.

Huntingtons – What Would Joey Do Lyrics 22 years ago
Joey Ramone was a fucking God. Did I ever deny that?

I just pointed out that punk was going downhill long before he died, but he didn't do shit to save it. And no, a Ramones Farewell tour doesn't count.

Alice in Chains – Down In A Hole Lyrics 22 years ago

Soundgarden – Limo Wreck Lyrics 22 years ago
I forgot to mention that the metaphor of a limo wreck was used to symbolize the fall. The people in the limo are clearly of a fairly high society, and it's clear the song's protagonist doesn't care about the wreck, or the people that died in it. Perhaps it could be related to a story of driving past a wrecked limo in a remote area and feeling like a god, having the power to choose if they live or die, and choosing to let them die.

Soundgarden – Limo Wreck Lyrics 22 years ago
It's more than just solely about the fall of the civilized world, it's about adopting a relative apathy to it. Cornell clearly places himself outside of the events in the lyrics, saying where he'll be when everything happens, then says that he's "the wreck of you ... the death of you all," perhaps signifying that apathy is what will damn the world.

Also, this would be a rather inappropriate song for 9/11. Even if I was heroically unmoved by the events, the verse...

"Under the red break of the lights
Heroes in stretches inch to the site
Blowing the pieces, belong to the wind
When the whole thing blows away
I won't pretend."

...doesn't exactly show pride in the nation the way most people would want, though I like the fact he's saying he won't pretend to care.


Dead Kennedys – Holiday in Cambodia Lyrics 22 years ago
Vicki, Jello did something to keep them from ruining the band's name. Now that they're touring with Brandon Cruz of Dr. Know, they have to call themselves the DK Kennedys.

God, Brandon Cruz sucks.

Tool – Part of Me Lyrics 22 years ago
No, it's about jacking off. How many times has Maynard said that?

Dashboard Confessional – Hands Down Lyrics 22 years ago
Why are you all so fucking gay?

Simple Plan – I'm Just A Kid Lyrics 22 years ago

Fuck this fake-ass, whiny, pop-punk, EMO bullshit, and everyone that buys into this horrible trend.

Andrew W.K. – Ready to Die Lyrics 22 years ago
Andrew WK is a fucking god. He's meant to be a joke, and when you actually realize that, the punchline is his hilarious music. Jesus Christ, his musicians are from a "famous" Black Metal band whose name escapes me at the moment (Maybe Obituary?). It's kind of obivous that even he doesn't take this shit seriously, and is content hitting himself with a brick and getting rich off of dumbasses that believe he's real.

Tenacious D – My Biznitch Is the Shiznit Lyrics 22 years ago
I think that War_Elephant means that Corky do the only version. For all I know, he's right. I refuse to support Jack Black and his current habit of being liked by EMO kids.

Kelly Osbourne – Papa Don't Preach Lyrics 22 years ago
This cover is right up there with Limp Bizkit's cover of "Faith," or Dynamite Hack's cover of "Boyz in tha Hood!" I hope the talentless bitch dies alone.

Bloodhound Gang – It's Tricky Lyrics 22 years ago
But they covered it!

Pak chooie unf.

Alice in Chains – Down In A Hole Lyrics 22 years ago
Yes, obviously about addcition.

"It's to my long-time love. It's the reality of my life, the path I've chosen and in a weird way it kind of foretold where we are right now. It's hard for us both to understand.. that this life is not conducive to much success with long term relationships." Cantrell, who wrote this. NOT Staley.

It's about a relationship, obviously. He's comparing the relationship to a tomb, but a pretty one. Human desire to escape and to survive. The verse ending with "I will speak no more of my feelings beneath" seems to be the proper way to argue with women. Just shutting up.

"You don't know who they thought I was supposed to be" They being his friends, expecting him to party all night and fuck everyone, perhaps, something he had to give up. The line "Oh I want to be inside of you," could either refer to him wanting to be with her, or the urge to fuck that caused them to start dating in the first place, and a want for things to be like that again.

Honestly, how the Hell is it OBVIOUSLY about addiction? I've seen that mentioned about most AiC songs here, yet rarely with any sort of back-up.

Alice in Chains – Bleed The Freak Lyrics 22 years ago
"This song is us against the world, those people who out you down: 'I put up with so many years of you putting us down and watching us bleed, now I'd like to see you bleed some back.'" - Cantrell, who wrote the song.

Not about addiction, kiddos.

Soundgarden – The Day I Tried to Live Lyrics 22 years ago
I think it's the exact opposite, Timmay. Instead of trying to be like society, I think the figure protrayed in the song woke, deciding he was gonna go out, change the world, and do something memorable and worthwhile. At the very end he realizes that he's just like everyone else, no matter what he does, that he's not special. This is after the day is done, him reflecting on what's happened. The voice in his head when he woke up, for instance, was himself, but he's been distanced from that. In the morning, he was an idealist, but by the time he fell asleep, he was a realist, finally having realized that "words you say never seem to live up to the ones inside your head."

Huntingtons – What Would Joey Do Lyrics 22 years ago
I've never heard the song, but they're obviously talking about how punk currently sucks, and how Joey Ramone would save it. It makes little sense though, since he didn't do jack shit to kill the shit-punk bands while he was alive, but let the Huntingtons have their fun.

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