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Pedro the Lion – Magazine Lyrics 22 years ago
I should've clarified my possition better in my last post... I agree with tealfixedsys... I don't think this is actually how David actually views the world... it's just how the character does.

Pedro the Lion – Magazine Lyrics 22 years ago
THIS IS THE BEST SONG ON THE ALBUM!!! That said, I have to agree with most of's lengthy explanation with a few twists and amendments.
First, this song is about the division between people of righteous and everyone else. The righteous are viewed as pompous, arrogant, selfish, and condescending while the wicked are seen as amoral heathens. But the truth of the matter is that nobody is 100% one or the other... that's why the line is metaphysical.
Secondly, I argue that the one who got their wings is the wife... thinking that she's so perfect (angel), when she's really just waiting for him to make his big mistake so she can catch him in it and further prove her superiority.
Quite frankly, I don't get the "darkness" line. I get the gist of it and the tone but I don't understand what he's referring to. That's all.

P.S. I'm in Salt Lake and PTL played here the second night of their Control tour here. I had a chance to meet David for a sec and I've gotta say that he's amazingly cool, respectful, and down-to-earth. I just wonder sometimes why he writes such dark stuff.

Pedro the Lion – Of Up and Coming Monarchs Lyrics 22 years ago
Awesome song... I have no idea what it's about except avoiding some conflict, but it's awesome none-the-less.

Pedro the Lion – Second Best Lyrics 22 years ago
I agree with juan and grim that the wife is the "I" in the song but I think the verses are describeing the relationships the husband has with both the wife and the mistress.

Pedro the Lion – June 18, 1976 Lyrics 22 years ago
I think this is definately one of PTL's best musically, lyrically, and emotionally. Top 5 easily.

Pedro the Lion – Secret of the Easy Yoke Lyrics 22 years ago
This song describes in painful detail the events surrounding me as I gave up Christianity. It amazes me that he could write lyrics so personally applicable. "If all that's left is duty, I'm falling on my sword." Bazan is incredible.

Pedro the Lion – Letter from a Concerned Follower Lyrics 22 years ago
This is amazingly precise and I love the idea of it being a letter to, in my opinion, Jesus. Faith is dying and men are getting smarter. Christianity is losing. So what's Jesus gonna do about it? Tough question.

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