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Kylie Minogue – Love At First Sight Lyrics 22 years ago
Yes. I probably should spell it right. But I never do. I'm Canadian. I spell Grammer different.

Something Corporate – Heroine Lyrics 22 years ago
I got it from KaZaA..Just keep trying, it'll pop up eventually.

NOFX – Jenny Jenny (867-5309) (Tommy Tutone cover) Lyrics 22 years ago
OR..we could all calm down. It's a fun song. I love it. It doesn't matter who did the cover, all that really matters is that Tommy Tutone did the original. That's all that matters. To sane people at least.

* * * * * * * *

My opinion of what the song is about:

Some guy finds the phone number (867.5309) written on the wall because there are many people who find it fun to do stuff like that. He goes home and fantasizes about what this girl (Jenny) is like. He's afraid to call her because he doesn't want her to think he's like the others before (all they wanted was 'a good time'). He wants to marry her. Basically the guy is a little wacko. But remember "Tobacco is wacko if you're a teen.."

Something Corporate – Konstantine (Live from Ready...Break) Lyrics 22 years ago
If you get it from that website, you're ripping the band off. They don't get any of that money. Or so I've heard. But whatever, I totally agree with you: This version has a lot more raw emotion in it than the recorded version. It especially gives me goosebumps to hear the crowd and picture Andrew, eyes closed, singing from his heart. The other one seems to have more forced emotion.

Something Corporate – Heroine Lyrics 22 years ago
Wow, first person to comment. Well I love this song. I know it's pretty much the same lyrics as PRP, except,
"It was this time Last Year
You're so much different now
You watch the traffic clear
You hear the cars spin out
I never thought you'd last
I never dreamed you would
You watch your life go Past
You wonder if you should",
for those of you would couldn't find the difference. It's slower though, with the piano, which is what draws me to SoCo. Andrew's ability to play the piano makes me shiver. Ya, so I like this more than PRP because of the piano.

Kylie Minogue – Love At First Sight Lyrics 22 years ago

Student Rick – A Child's Cry Lyrics 22 years ago
I love this song. I cry to it. I feel for the little girl and the little boy and when he (sorry, I don't know their names..only their music..) says "beautiful baby" I want to find him and have his babies. Sorry, it's just something about the way he says beautiful and it's like the 'climax' of the song or whatever..Okay, I'll shush now.

Blink-182 – Happy Holidays, You Bastard Lyrics 22 years ago
I love this song. No more needs to be said.

Kylie Minogue – Love At First Sight Lyrics 22 years ago
This song rocks my socks. Kylie rocks my socks. Woo! I'm just in a rockie, sockie mood today.

Dramarama – Anything, Anything Lyrics 22 years ago
Yes. Something Corporate rocks my socks. Right..Oh, so does this song. I dance to it. I can't dance. hah.

Something Corporate – Cavanaugh Park Lyrics 22 years ago
It's a great song, great lyrics. They shouldn't have changed it though. It was so much better on Ready...Break. I don't know why but the LTTW version sounds tacky. Meh, still a great song, still great lyrics. By far my favorite.

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