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Good Charlotte – Seasons Lyrics 21 years ago
take back sunday, i totally agrre with you, i got the first cd, and was a huge fan, then when i went to see them in concert, they only played one song from thsi cd, and it was little things, so, they totally sucked ass, and i hated it, they got worse as the next album came out, you can tell that they didn't write the songs, its obvious, and it sucks, it sucks, but oh well, i totally hate gc know, i just love thsi song, love it

Dashboard Confessional – Remember to Breathe Lyrics 21 years ago
OMG!!!!!!!!!!! this song is sooooo awesome, when i first heard it, i sat in awe, i put it on repeat, and cried for hours, i couldn't stand to not near it, it was driving me crazy, i even had to listen to it when i was in the shower, im not kidding hours on end, its sooooo powerfull, its songs like these that make me want to fall in love soooo bad, more than anything else in the world, i mean, hes nervous to go out with this girl, and im crying about it, now if thats not beauty, i dont know what is!?

New Found Glory – Sonny Lyrics 21 years ago
i absoulutly love this song, my aunt took a whole bottle of sleeping pills, and i though she died, and this song helped me sooo much, but i later found out that she made it! i saw nfg in concert, and they kick ass, this song is obvioulsy about someone who dies(duh!? hello?) and how it affects someone, when they played it, right before they started the words, he said, guys, listen to me, dont ever commit suicide, and the n they played it while i sang my heart out!!!!

Coldplay – The Scientist Lyrics 21 years ago
omg, this song is soo good, when i listend to it, it reminded me of my ex, so fast, and god knows i miss him, but pete and i are over(very long story) this song, to me is about a guy who falls so head over heels in love with a lady, and then things dont work out in the end, and he tries to figure out why like normal ppl, but he cant, so he turns to science, and that doesn't work, but he still loves her , and i think you can tell bcause in the first verse, hes running in circles, hoping for tails, bcasue heads is totaly different, and then at the end of the second verse, he changes his mind, and says chasing tail, thats what i did, i called out to him(pete) after we split, and said u know, come back, then it didn't work, so i strated chasing him(not phisicly, but in dreams, attitude, and listening only to depressing music for a year[first love!!!])-mo

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