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t.A.T.u. – All The Things She Said Lyrics 21 years ago
blueblackeyes, you understand exactly what I was saying. and your comment on betterthanstar's comment is correct. I'm not going out looking for lesbians to watch, I'm not invading on someone's life and I don't want their sexuality. If I can see the video for this song on the music channel everday, then someone is obviously using sexuality to get attention. It's their sexuality, it belongs to them, but they choose to share it. And there are many other places one can watch girls "go down on eachother" many of them in front of a tv screen.

A couple more things to betterthanstar-

"You as a male need to learn that women do not belong to you"

I do not think women belong to me. That is so far from the truth. I treat all women with dignity, respect, and honor. I don't know which part of my first post gave you the impression I was this way, but it doesn't matter.

Another thing:

"how shallow can you be to think people fall in love with genitials its the person that matters"

There was a time when being shallow meant you based your liking of a person on their looks. Now all of a sudden you want me to believe one is shallow if they don't look at guys like they would look at girls, and talk to guys like they talk to girls. I have a lot of friends that are male, nothing wrong with that, but if I started having sex with them, there would be a serious problem.

You can't sound like you're focusing on the person inside when you are discussing sexual relationships. The genitalia, whether you like it or not, are very important in a sexual relationship. Trust me, it DOES matter (Read this next sentence with sexual pleasure aside). One way, your "open-minded way", leads to nothing, except maybe HIV. The other, your "close-minded" way, can lead to reproduction if that is what is desired. Oh, and reproduction is an important thing to a species as well.

t.A.T.u. – All The Things She Said Lyrics 21 years ago
So much attention is being focused on homosexuality because it is a significant reason for the success of these two artists. I like this song, haven't heard many others, all seem pretty repititive... anyhow- there are plenty of guys out there (I'll admit to being one of em) who like the idea of a hot girl make out with another girl.

And I feel for those girls who don't like it a bit (one at least posted here if I remember correctly), homosexual men are the most repulsive and disgusting people I ever heard of. In my opinion they should be sent to a remote location where their diseases can flourish until they all die.

Oh, and don't call me homophobic. That is a pathetic word that will only make me laugh. I don't have a phobia of them, I'm not afraid of them. I hate em'. The thought of two guys... *huhhhh* makes me shudder.

It doesn't matter who tells you, homosexuality is not a natural thing. It accomplishes nothing as far as nature goes. I find girl on girl stuff appealing, I guess it's the concept of dude-free-action, but I cannot belive homosexuality to be normal any more than I can believe in the 'swiss cheesy' concept of evolution.

A lot of people are gonna hate me for this post.. but whatever, it's closer to the truth than all the pro-homo people out there will ever get. Gay rights my ass- get your gay asses off the street, I'm tryin ta drive here.

Weird Al Yankovic – I Remember Larry Lyrics 21 years ago
You know what Demau Senae, King Nothing, and Jeffbot (along with your friend Larry).... you guys "must have an awful lot of free time on your hands." But if it weren't for all your free time, I never would have known that about this song.

Weird Al Yankovic – Smells Like Nirvana Lyrics 21 years ago
Yeah, I agree with Farfalla27. Great song, and funny for sure. On top of what others mentioned about Weird Al and his relationship with Kurt Cobain/Nirvana, in Kurt Cobain's Diaries he actually mentions Weird Al, stating that Al is a genius, I haven't got the book myself.. was just looking through it at Chapters on day.. sad I know.. some day I might go get it.. perhaps the day I feel like reading more than 3 pages straight..... should it ever come.

Eminem – Cum On Everybody Lyrics 21 years ago
that is some funny ass shit zps2. keep up the good work. :)
i actually don't mind some of eminem's songs, and there's no doubt the guy is talented, but in terms of raw talent, not taste, Nirvana (Cobain) was a great deal better.
Eminem sounds good cuz he has help creating catchy tunes.. or whatever they call rap background music... and he easily rhymes the words that make up the things he hates in his life and this world.
Cobain was able to make excellent, innovative music as well as lyrics, lyrics that meant more than just what a person instantly gleans from the words. Nirvana brought alternative to the front during its time, and if it weren't for them who knows where the genre as a whole would be.

Pearl Jam – Black Lyrics 21 years ago
The correct lyric is "her lace spread out before me"
end of story.

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