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Nirvana – Pennyroyal Tea Lyrics 21 years ago
Okay, this may sound like a stupid question, but I've searched for the answer and have found nothing! I figured someone on here may be able to help me...Does Courntey sing background in this song?! If it's not her, it sure sounds a hell of a lot like her!

Cursive – Bloody Murderer Lyrics 21 years ago
this is just a great song, i would be pretty scared if this happened to me.
"Bloody murderer! Let me rest in peace!"

Hole – He Hit Me (And It Felt Like A Kiss) Lyrics 21 years ago
For fucks sake people. Please let Kurt Cobain rest in peace. You know what? I can tell you the ONLY person who knows how Kurt died, that person could never tell anyone. And you want to know why? Because that person is dead and that person is Kurt Cobain himself. Please, please just drop it and give Kurt a little bit of respect.

Hole – Malibu Lyrics 21 years ago
Dave Grohl introduced Kurt to Courtney.

Hole – Where Did You Sleep Last Night (Lead Belly cover) Lyrics 21 years ago
IT WAS SUICIDE. Kurt was unhappy his whole entire life. He loved Courtney and if you ever did any real research you'd find out that she really loved him too. Come on...That stupid justiceforkurt site is complete bullshit. For Christ's sake, there are so many fucking spelling errors on that site. How could you trust someone who can't spell for shit?

CKY – 96 Quite Bitter Beings Lyrics 21 years ago
Who cares about Bam. You say something about Bam at a cKy concert to any of them and they get pissed off. cKy is about the music. Not Bam. They would have gotten just as far if it weren't for him. Their music (obviously) kicks major ass. Anyways, this song is totally awesome. The lyrics are sweet b/c you don't hear stuff like this anywhere else but cKy. Black Plague, this song may be remembered as "The Shopping Cart Song" to you, but to anyone who is a die-hard cKy fan, this song will be remembered as 96 Quite Bitter Beings!! It just really sucks that cKy has to be associated with Jackass because everybody on Jackass are sellouts. Knoxville SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Including Bam b/c he's going to have his own fucking show on MTV (yuck!) If all you can think about is Jackass when you hear cKy listen again, and again, and again til you hear the music.

Nirvana – Something in the Way Lyrics 21 years ago
Kurt never lived under a bridge, though he did live in his car. The "something in the way" part is meant that when he was a little kid and everyone in his family ignored him and moved on with their lives after the divorce, it was him that was in the way.

Nirvana – Breed Lyrics 21 years ago
This song was written about Tad Doyle, the lead singer of the band Tad that Nirvana toured with back in the day. Tad was a pretty big guy and he puked and got diarrhea a lot. So Kurt first called the song "Imodium" because of Tad's medication to help his shitting problem. However there isn't really anything in this song that has anything to do with Tad. The book Heavier than Heaven by Charles Cross says that it also is thought to "suggest a running of the mouth. More elaborate than Kurt's early screeds, it ended with the line 'she said' implying the song was captured dialogue, and adding another layer of narrative to decipher." So uh, yeah.

Nirvana – Heart-Shaped Box Lyrics 21 years ago
Okay...really now. Has anyone read Heavier than Heaven by Charles Cross? Courtney met Kurt through Dave Grohl and had a crush on him--even before Nirvana got big. So even if she really did use him, which to me it sounds like she did (my opinion), she did really like him a lot before he even became a huge star. After one of their first encounters, she went to an antique shop and bought him a heart shaped box and filled it with dried roses and a little doll.
When Kurt wrote his songs, he said he wanted people to be able to take whatever they wanted from his lyrics. So, I guess that means you should think what you want from this song and all the other Nirvana songs. But I do think this song has something to do with Courtney (thats what I have taken from the lyrics b/c of the box she gave him). Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I also read somewhere, (I can't remember where)that Courtney actually collaborated with Kurt on writing this song!

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