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Brave Saint Saturn – I Fell Away Lyrics 16 years ago
OnDistantShores, I think that "trying to touch the sun" means that he's trying to attain something apart from God. He seems so driven to accomplish something, like his worth is based in achievement. He finally realizes that as he's working apart from God, he is living a lie, a sin. This is the day he realizes his pride and self-sufficiency have caused him to fall away, and only God can mend his wings and lift his soul... Only with God can we fly high enough to accomplish something great (The whole flying metaphor is reminiscent of FIF's Every New Day).

Johnny Cash – Man in Black Lyrics 18 years ago
I completely agree that this song is not anti-Christian. I think in many ways JC was an example of what Christians should look like; in his later life of course after he turned his life around/repented/became "born again" (born again refers to a person who has accepted Jesus as Savior, has figuratively "died" to sin and their old ways, and has become a "new creation," see John 3:3-7, and 2 Corinthains 5:17).
After turning his life around he demonstrated compassion, love, a strong sense of social justice, and many other qualities that Christians should have. He defended the "defenseless" and the downtrodden, like prisoners and Native Americans, and this is something that even fits in with the character of God. God seeks to save those who need saving, the ones who realize that we all need help (see Mark 2:17). He also stayed completely committed to June Carter Cash (who also exemplified many Christian traits like love, devotion, and compassion) and the two of them seemed to have a Christ-centered relationship that brought them so close, John couldn't live without June.
This song is a testament to Cash's devotion to the true Christian ideal of social justice. He recognizes the broken and sinful state of the world, and that the same brokenness and sinfulness has seeped into the "religious right" and has led to corruption in the church. He also recognizes the other worldwide problems like hunger, drug addiction, crime, neglect, and death that are prevalent in all geographic, social, and cultural arenas. Cash calls for action to fix these problems.
From his experiences, the way he talked after his turnaround, and his religion, it is a safe assumption to say that Cash believed the answer to these problems is Jesus Christ. For now Jesus is the solution to individual brokeness (read the gospel of John), and so Cash wore black (and would have continued to wear black) as long as he lived, because we live in a fallen and broken world. One day however, as we see in "The Man Comes Around" and various other Cash spirituals, Jesus will return. In the book of Revelation, it refers to many figures in Heaven and almost every one of them is dressed in white. It is only in a perfect place that a man with such convictions, ideals, and beliefs as Johnny Cash could wear "a suit of white."
I realize that Cash makes no religious claims in this song, but I wanted to legitimize the claim that this song is not anti-Christian, but rather pro-Christ. Besides, it's always interesting to elaborate and postulate on your favorite songs.

Mae – Ready And Waiting To Fall Lyrics 19 years ago
I think this song has two meanings, the first is probably what people first pick up: it's about that special someone and falling in love with them.
The second is one that I like best: it's about finding Jesus and the joy of that moment. Some of the things that make me think this song is baout this follow:
"Drowning just as fast as I can" might be when we realize that we're not good enough on our own, and we know Jesus is the only answer, when we realize that, we are "on the brink of something beautiful."

"It's never been more perfect being alive/I've never been so satisfied" may refer to the completeness that Jesus brings and how only He can satisfy (Isaiah 55:2).

"Heaven makes sense".. kinda obvious. Heaven makes sense when you know God.

"And now I'm caught in the air." Paul talks about being caught up in the air when Jesus returns in 1Thessalonians 4:17.

"Spinning around and around/Until my left was my right/And up became down" This might refer to the change of values at the time of salvation. In 1 Corinthians 1, Paul talks about how Christianity is nonsense to the world, and how God's "foolishness" is wisdom.

Anyway, these are just a couple of reasons for my thoughts; and they are my thoughts, so you don't have to necessarily agree with me. This is what the song means to me, and I like it. It is an amazing song.

Delirious? – Sactify Lyrics 21 years ago
The name of this song is "Sanctify," the "n" is missing in the title. Anyway, this song is an awesome worship song that praises God. It's one of my favorites, and I don't think it needs much explaining... it's pretty self explanatory.

The Juliana Theory – We're Nothing Without You Lyrics 21 years ago
Wow, daydreamer.... does it bother you that much? And are you so immature that you can't discuss it logically? How do you know that they're not a Christian band? Define a Christian band for me... a band who writes songs directly about God? Or maybe a band whose members are Christian? If it's the latter of the two, then TJT is at least partly, if not wholly, Christian. I don't write poems or songs to God, but I'm a Christian man. Or does my lack of artistic work devoted to God declassify me as a Christian? No. "Christian" is used to define the beliefs (and sometimes the actions) of a person or a group... so, that said, TJT can very well be called a Christian band.

As for this song, it truly is an awesome song. I'm not quite sure exactly what it means, I just wanted to defend my moral and spiritual beliefs. daydreamer27 is ofensive and coarse, please refrain from using language like that on message boards, it only shows ignorance and the inability to think logically without resorting to profanity.

12 Stones – The Way I Feel Lyrics 21 years ago
bhcguitarist... The members of 12 Stones, along with most of the intonations of their songs, ARE Christian.
Even the band's name stems from Christianity. According to the bands website (paraphrased): "The 12 stones they refer to are the 12 stones that were set into the Hoshen, a breastplate worn by the high priest Aaron in the book of Exodus. Each of the stones represents one of the twelve tribes of Judah. The number 12 is also important in the New Testament because, for one, Jesus had 12 apostles."

Also, the members of the band state that each of them has a "personal and spiritual relationship with God."

So evaccording to what the band members themselves said, I think they and their songs can be called Christian. And, that said... since "Christian" is an adjective, and an adjective is used to describe a noun according to the characteristics of said noun, I think it is perfectly acceptable to call 12 Stones a Christian band.

Ignorant Youth – Laura Lyrics 21 years ago
Beutiful lyrics, but I've never heard this song before!!!! I wanna hear it, if you know where I can find it, please post it!

Athenaeum – What I Didn't Know Lyrics 21 years ago
CUPhoenix83, thank you. A lot of lyrics do not have people actually posting what the song means. So, I try my hardest to post wht I think a song means, but now I find someone who has already done a good job of it, thanks for keeping the true intent of this site alive. I totally agree with your interpretation of the song.

8Stops7 – Question Everything Lyrics 21 years ago
The song is about a man and his dying father, as Emericanskater put it. However, I think it was both the father AND the son who had acted harshly toward each other. The father treated the son badly, and the son reacted, creating bad blood between them.

The song picks up with the father on his death bed asking forgiveness of the son. The song paints a vivid picture of the father on the death bed in tears witht he son at his side apprehensive and confused about what to do. He needs time to think about it, and he has to take in many factors. This is the first time he's seen his father cry ad he is finally listening to what the father has to say, but his old feelings from his bad memories make it hard for him to decide whether to forgive him or not. He's bitter and surprised at what the father is asking.

Later, though, when the son starts to ask a question, the father cuts him off with what seems to be a plea for forgiveness that he sems to have been practicing for decades. The son finally listens, and he realizes that his father finally realizes what it was like "to be his size," or what how the father really affected his son.

Though a resolution is not declared in the song, the repetition of "Just what he means to me" seems to imply that he forgave his father before he passed, and he now seems to actually miss him.

It's a bittersweet ending to quit a sad story. This song is full of emotion and fueled by great vocals. The lyrics are masterfully crafted and the story is told to perfection. 8stops7 shoukd have found much more success with this song. It is an awesome song and I'd reccomend it to anyone.

8Stops7 – Satisfied Lyrics 21 years ago
trasta, I totally agree. His addiction destroyed him, leaving him reaching for the drug, it sounds like he tried to get over it before, he says he should know better than to reach the edge, but he gets there anyway. He relapses into his habit and his humanity is destroyed. He can't even find anything civilized inside of himself. The song is clearly about an addiction. When he gets the drug, though, he feels nothing.... which leads me to believe that his drug of choice was heroin, because once heroin is treated with methadone, it no longer affects the body when taken. In short: this song is about a man who destroyed himself with heroin.

Dry Cell – I Confide Lyrics 21 years ago
I don't quite agree with Aerion. The song is about someone you used to be close to, but that someone is more than a freind. It seems the song is to a parent, and Jeff is being a "Typical Rebellious Teen." He talks about being an ungrateful son and not ebing a child anymore, which are references that are almost blatantly directed at a parent. The parent in this case, is too busy to listen to him, and is very critical of his actions (Nothing's ever good, nothing's ever pure). The two fight, and Jeff is being pushed farther away with every fight. He's moving on and becoming independent. To further the idea that the song is directed to a parent, he suggest mending after a couple years, which is often the case with parents and children who fight in the teen years. A similar situation happened with me,and after moving to college (where I am now) the air cleared, and I mended all those fights with my parents. I'm just basing this song on personal experience and similarities to my life. The lyrics are strikingly reminescent of a parent-child dispute, though.

Trapt – Headstrong Lyrics 21 years ago
This song is good, but the other lyrics are right (look up Head Strong by Trapt, it's not the right title, I know, but the lyrics are right)

Dry Cell – Ordinary Lyrics 21 years ago
I disagree.... I think this song is about trying to figure out who you are. When you're around a certain person, you act a certain way and you put on a mask. When you're away from that person, you're just ordinary, nothing exciting about you. So, you try to take some time away and find out who you really are, so you can brak out of the ordinary persona and be what you really are instead of what someone else wants you to be.

Flogging Molly – The Ol' Beggars Bush Lyrics 21 years ago
I think this song is just a few stories about people who have had a lot of misfortunes in their life. "Ol' Nick" sounds like another name for the devil, who seems to be laughing at all of the bad things that happen to these people. Basically, it's a song about people with bad luck and bad lives.

On another note, this is truly an awesome song, my personal favorite by FM. It's the traditional Irish story-telling style fused with rock, giving it a unique sound that makes the band original and awesome.

Something Corporate – Forget December Lyrics 21 years ago
What a crappy December he had.... from the lyrics of the song, this guy's December not only involved a breakup with a girl, but also a family that was at odds. To top it off, it was rainy and it just got worse as it progressed! This guy had it rough... I feel sorry for him.

Hmm... come to think of it, this guy and I have too much in common... December 2002. I really was trying to forget December. Aww....

Dry Cell – Last Time Lyrics 21 years ago
This song seems to be about persecution. Not persecution in the martyr, die-for-what you believe-in type of way, but the type of persecution faced in schools, colleges, workplaces, and places all over the world. The persecution of the one who's different. It's a song that goes out to all of those people who have been picked on, mocked, made fun of, or persecuted. It's reassuring... everything will be ok.

Seether – Fine Again Lyrics 21 years ago
When reading through the comments, I noticed a lot of you thought this song was about how life means nothing. So I was wondering to myself if any of those people actually listen to the lyrics of the song.... then I came across some of the people that started to get it.
The song seems to be about a battle with drugs or alcohol, a battle that's being lost. The guy realizes that everything will be fine if he can drop the addiction, but he's living in a hell where days are all gray and the same, and where his dreams are dying. At the end of the song he reaches a resolution. "I'm not scared now" means he's ready to give the addiction up, he's prepared... but it might be too late for him ("one day too late").
These lyrics are pretty straightforwars, but some people just hear what they want to hear in a song....

PS - What people call "selling out" is what we people in the real world call "success." Stop living in your dream world where keeping a set of ideas means living in your van or a basement. If a band is played on the radio, they haven't sold out, they've found success doing something that they're good at, and better yet, they love. The real "sell outs" are those so-called fans who stop listening to a band as soon as one of their singles hit the radio. Those fans are musical facists who condemn things because they don't fit into their fantasy world. If a band has some success and can make a living making music and playing concerts for people who want to hear them, let them do it; you can't tell me YOU wouldn't.

Something Corporate – Walking By Lyrics 21 years ago
This song was written for anyone who has ever loved someone who left them... Andrew crafted this song perfectly to pull the strings of every fan's heart. The lyrical genius combined with the vocal talent brings a tear the eye. This song brings back old memories. This is truly a heartfelt and meaningful song.

And by the way, thanks sukireru for clearing up the Chesire Cat doorstop lyric.

Greenwheel – Dim Halo Lyrics 21 years ago
All right, since very few others actually step up and offer their take on SongMeanings (I mean, come on, it's the name of the site, don't you all get it?), I'll give you my take on it....

The song is about an internal struggle inside of the guy who is singing the song. Personally I believe that he had a personal and deep relationship with a woman, but the relationship failed, ending so badly that the two could not even be friends. Possibly, I think the two people could shared each other, which made the breakup all too painful, but left the guy seeing her in his memories....

So why do I think this? Well, first of all, the guy is singing about the moon and darkness, which often symbolizes pain and/or depression. When the guy says "Eyes wide open now, taking it all in stride" I think he's referring to his realization that he and his ex had shared too much, and he has to take it in stride, or deal with it. Further, he still sees her eyes in the night, which may imply that he can't forget her no matter how hard he tries."

The last part of the song lets us know that he IS suffering from the heartbreak of losing the girl, and the pain only grows from the realization of all they shared.

I could go into much more detail, but I don't want to take up too musch more space, so post more or contact me if you want to discuss it.

Here's my nutshell version: This guy broke up with a girl who he was intimately attached to, and he is dealing with the pain. The "Dim Halo"? Well, that's the ex-couples innocence fading away.

Staind – Black (Pearl Jam cover) Lyrics 21 years ago
Aaron Lewis did an amazing job covering Pearl Jam's "Black" Vocally, I think Lewis has Vedder beat, but a cover can never be better than the original song. Vedder wrote the song, put his emotion into it and, most importantly, didn't copy it. So, yes, Aaron Lewis' version is very, very good. Vedder, however, did an overall better job in the original version and the many, many live performances. Truthfully, though, it's like comparing the proverbial apples to the proverbial oranges. Both versions are great, but they are different.

Evanescence – Tourniquet Lyrics 21 years ago
To me, this song has biblical and Christian intonations. The woman singing is looking to be saved from her life of "death," or sin rather. The first verse refers to her own attempts to stop the pain of her own sinful life and the fact that it just caused more pain. So it seems she turned to God and now, she's looking to Him as a tourniquet, which is a device to stop bleeding, to prevent her from the self destruction from a sinful life. The "crimson regret and betrayal" refer to the action of sin. In other words, she feels she betrayed God with her sin and she regrets it. She also asks God whether she is too lost to be saved, and whether He remembers her, because she's been away from Him for so long. The last verse which refers to death and suicide may refer to the metaphorical "dying to the world" when a Christian decides to commit their life to God. In short, "Tourniquet" is a song about a woman seeking the Salvation of Christ to deliver her from sin and death. This, of course, is my take on it; this is what the song means TO ME. You're free to disagree, but this is what I think, anyway.

Evanescence – Tourniquet Lyrics 21 years ago
To me, this song has biblical and Christian intonations. The woman singing is looking to be saved from her life of "death," or sin rather. The first verse refers to her own attempts to stop the pain of her own sinful life and the fact that it just caused more pain. So it seems she turned to God and now, she's looking to Him as a tourniquet, which is a device to stop bleeding, to prevent her from the self destruction from a sinful life. The "crimson regret and betrayal" refer to the action of sin. In other words, she feels she betrayed God with her sin and she regrets it. She also asks God whether she is too lost to be saved, and whether He remembers her, because she's been away from Him for so long. The last verse which refers to death and suicide may refer to the metaphorical "dying to the world" when a Christian decides to commit their life to God. In short, "Tourniquet" is a song about a woman seeking the Salvation of Christ to deliver her from sin and death. This, of course, is my take on it; this is what the song means TO ME. You're free to disagree, but this is what I think, anyway.

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