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Orgy – Blue Monday Lyrics 19 years ago
Well the original was by New Order and most probably dealt with the suicide of Joy Division (from the remaining members of which New Order was formed) singer Ian Curtis - from the feeling I get from this song I think the meaning hasn't changed much - someone's gone away and he doesn't know how to feel about it;

Should he be happy they're out of it, or should he be upset that he's lost them? I relate this most to my first girlfriend, who was, basically, a lying, cheating whore, but I still loved her and I'm still tainted by her leaving. It's a little hard to explain, but I guess you can get the drift of what I'm saying.

American Head Charge – We Believe Lyrics 21 years ago
I think this song is about someone trying so hard to impress someone they have feelings for that they try to become the ideal thing they think that person wants.

the first four lines are about how he hates who he has to become to try to impress this person. the next four is begging this person to leave who they are with - the "extra skin" symbolises him - cut the old to accept the new, as it were.

the chorus is how he thinks he would feel if his plans came to fruition - "now we have everything we need".
"we believe" is him reassuring himself that it will work.

the second verse is the bitter feelings felt when rejection sets in, and the first half is about raw sex - he is trying to degrade this person beyond his attentions, and the second is his attempts to justify him walking away - this leads into the chorus again, symbolising that this is an ongoing problem - he tries over and over again and gets caught up in more and more of hate.

Also, great song, like most of AHC's stuff. Martin definately has some serious issues with women, but if you're a guy who's just been rejected or neglected by a girl, then these guys are the band to listen to - emotional, intelligent anger.

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