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Deerhunter – Living My Life Lyrics 8 years ago
first song to really grab me off the new album. as with most deerhunter lyrics, it seems to offer impressions rather than something you can pin down for certain. so here's my totally subjective interpretation:

the lyrics seem to point to a period of transition ... to me, the draining of color in "amber waves of grain" turning to "grey", coupled with the distance and remoteness of being "out of range" implies slipping into a period of melancholy and alienation, an existential malaise, but maybe it's more of a general peaks & valleys of life thing than a total metamorphosis. the fact that he's out of range "again" indicates that he isn't always like this. something has caused his perspective to shift right for now, but it continues to go back and forth.

to me, the "fading frontier" could represent a boundary, a sort of limbo between these two perspective worlds -- a world of color and the world drained of it (depressive state). a frontier represents a border separating two countries, though the word does have other connotations. he's spent much of his life hanging out in this in-between space, sort of wasting his life ("how to recover the lost years?") and not making choices out of fear. the fact that the frontier is fading could mean he feels he must finally make a choice, that this space is no longer sustainable. or simply that the frontier itself is illusory, a distortion of his mind, so he needs to stop hanging out there so much, letting himself waste away in his own little idiosyncratic world. we all have places in our minds where we can get lost for periods of time, feeling "cut off" from the world. it's easy to indulge in that rather than trying to 'conquer fear' and find a way to feel alive. maybe this 'frontier' no longer has any meaning to offer him but he keeps going there out of sheer habit ("I’ve spent all of my time out here / Chasing the fading frontier"). he knows he's chasing illusions, but can't help himself. it's a familiar place to him.

i haven't read a lot of press about the new album, but i did hear that some of it was inspired by bradford getting hit by a car. a near-death experience can often cause a sudden shift in perspective. maybe it made him feel that he had wasted much of his life focusing on the wrong things, lost on the 'fading frontier.' could the it in "it's happening again" at the end be his life? as in, he's had all these ups and downs but he finally feels alive again, galvanized by a traumatic experience? or is the "it" that's happening again the period of grey described in the lyrics? could go either way, but the "new appreciation for life" people often have after a bad accident would fit with the more hopeful interpretation.

lots of scattered thoughts here, and obviously I'm projecting a lot of myself onto scant lyrics, but i'm really connecting with this one.

The Fiery Furnaces – Evergreen Lyrics 11 years ago
I was hoping there would be some interpretations for this as well. Here are some of my thoughts, though the lyrics only give us fragments . And I have no clue whether the band actually intended to say anything with the lyrics ... maybe they just wanted to tell a little impressionistic story. But anyway, here goes: Well, I don't think anyone mentioned this, but hemlock is a powerful poison. So potent that it was once used for executions (this is how Socrates was executed). So for me the chorus (Needle prick my spruce root, dear little hemlock shoot) has something to do with death, maybe a yearning for it, or a curiosity, but whatever it is, the narrator seems to be inviting it in some way. Not sure how this helps the narrator stay "sharp and keen." In my mind there is some element about wanting to feel connected to nature, maybe through death ,"returning to the soil." That last part might be a stretch, but I've always thought that staying "evergreen" has something to with wanting to feel connected to the nature, and specifically the trees.. I guess it could be ironic that he chops down trees for a living?

If you want to go the drug interpretation route (not sure I do, but the 'needle prick' could be interpreted that way), it could connote injecting (literally or figuratively) some chemical into your body in order to make you "stay sharp and keen." But it's also like hemlock, a poison. It keeps you going, but it's also toxic, maybe metaphorically. He's "at the bar every night," so he could also be self-medicating with alcohol.

So I've been saying "he" because I get the sense that the narrator is male: a lonesome lumberjack, riding (or driving) home from work or a bar and staring into the trees to look for his favorite star. The way the lyrics frame it, he seems very lonely ("all alone every night of the week"). Maybe he's grieving over someone. Something is definitely implied. He waits by the phone every night and cries. He's either waiting for some urgent news, or waiting to hear from someone. I tend to think the latter due to how his loneliness is emphasized in the lyrics. I also think it's someone specific, but it could be just anyone. Again, he seems very lonely. I do love the image of him dabbing his tears with the pinecone. Haha. And not just a pinecone, but his favorite pinecone. The guy has a favorite pinecone! It's just another connection to nature and trees and the whole "evergreen" theme. Again, it's just funny and somewhat ironic that he's a lumberjack yet simultaneously seems to appreciate trees so much that he would have a favorite pinecone.

Apart from that, he live a solitary life of small tasks: making his bed, cooking dinner for himself, beekeeping, fishing, clipping brambles, sipping space tea from a clay cup? --- not sure about the "stuff" he puts in it, but that could be interpreted as a drug reference. Or it could be herbs from the forest. Or he could be slowly poisoning himself with hemlock. Hm. I mean, the lyrics do seem to say that he drinks whiskey every night, then comes home to sit by the phone and cry.

Anyway , going with the hemlock/death theme from my first paragraph, at the end he's fishing, staring into the water. He's been fantasizing or at least thinking about death. He bends down to pick up a thistle and thinks about what he would say. Maybe to loved ones, if he were throw himself into that swift stream? That's how I think of it sometimes, but I'm also a relatively melancholic dude, so I may be projecting. Maybe it isn't that literal. Maybe he's just staring into the water wondering what it would be like to die, not necessarily in a self-inflicted fashion, what he would say. Or, maybe it's even simpler. Maybe he's thinking about that person from earlier who never calls ... and what he would actually say if she did. I'm assuming it's a she, but that's just how the story goes in my head.

Anyway, hope some of this makes sense. Sorry it's so long.

Killer song.

Elliott Smith – Figure 8 Lyrics 15 years ago
So mesmerizing.

Eight is also an infinity symbol. As far as symbolism, I think of a 'figure 8' as being like depression, in that it's set on an infinite loop ... "a circle that turns round upon itself." There's no way out, and even when you try to move forward, you always arrive back in the same place, like a cat chasing its own tail. This might be a bit of a reach, and I'm not saying it's the same symbolism Elliott saw; it would appear not, based on the "amusement of a pointless task" interview comment (though elliott was often cryptic about the meanings of his songs in interviews). Anyway, recently I was watching a documentary about depression, and someone described it as being locked inside a circle. This very simple metaphor hit me hard for some reason, and now I relate it to this song.

M83 – You, Appearing Lyrics 16 years ago
Sorry, I wish this site had a "delete" function, I didn't mean to post that thrice. Tip: Don't hit backspace, it will re-post your comment. Most websites no longer have this glitch. Oh well.

M83 – You, Appearing Lyrics 16 years ago
This is such a beautiful & haunting piano/synth intro. Not a lot of lyrics to work with as far as an interpretation, but it makes sense in an abstract kind of way.

I get the impression of being haunted by a person, or having a crush/relationship that is steeped in romantic idealism ... so that seeing them suddenly "appear" somewhere, or maybe seeing their face come into focus in a crowd of people, is enough to make you feel completely lost ("Where are we?" maybe some existential angst tied in there as well).

Being around this person is an experience of heightened emotional sensitivity, but at the same time its terrifying ... the "Where are we?" in the background seems to also connote confusion or uncertainty, but you hope that this person could somehow "save you."

We all want something or someone to come along and save us & turn everything to gold, right?

It's obvious that I'm projecting some of my own feelings onto this, but these are the emotions it stirs up for me. I guess the lyrics are so thin, many meanings could to be applied. There is this girl I see out every now & then, and when I look at her face, I instinctively think something along the lines of "Where are we? SAVE ME!" ...

M83 – You, Appearing Lyrics 16 years ago
This is such a beautiful & haunting piano/synth intro. Not a lot of lyrics to work with as far as an interpretation, but it makes sense in an abstract kind of way.

I get the impression of being haunted by a person, or having a crush/relationship that is steeped in romantic idealism ... so that seeing them suddenly "appear" somewhere, or maybe seeing their face come into focus in a crowd of people, is enough to make you feel completely lost ("Where are we?" maybe some existential angst tied in there as well).

Being around this person is an experience of heightened emotional sensitivity, but at the same time its terrifying ... the "Where are we?" in the background seems to also connote confusion or uncertainty, but you hope that this person could somehow "save you."

We all want something or someone to come along and save us & turn everything to gold, right?

It's obvious that I'm projecting some of my own feelings onto this, but these are the emotions it stirs up for me. I guess the lyrics are so thin, many meanings could to be applied. There is this girl I see out every now & then, and when I look at her face, I instinctively think something along the lines of "Where are we? SAVE ME!" ...

M83 – You, Appearing Lyrics 16 years ago
This is such a beautiful & haunting piano/synth intro. Not a lot of lyrics to work with as far as an interpretation, but it makes sense in an abstract kind of way.

I get the impression of being haunted by a person, or having a crush/relationship that is steeped in romantic idealism ... so that seeing them suddenly "appear" somewhere, or maybe seeing their face come into focus in a crowd of people, is enough to make you feel completely lost ("Where are we?" maybe some existential angst tied in there as well).

Being around this person is an experience of heightened emotional sensitivity, but at the same time its terrifying ... the "Where are we?" in the background seems to also connote confusion or uncertainty, but you hope that this person could somehow "save you."

We all want something or someone to come along and save us & turn everything to gold, right?

It's obvious that I'm projecting some of my own feelings onto this, but these are the emotions it stirs up for me. I guess the lyrics are so thin, many meanings could to be applied. There is this girl I see out every now & then, and when I look at her face, I instinctively think something along the lines of "Where are we? SAVE ME!" ...

Tilly and the Wall – Tall Tall Grass Lyrics 16 years ago
the opening verse is strikingly reminiscient to "the difference in the shades" by bright eyes, at least to me. i hesitate to say that it could be partly inspired conor, but possibly? i know that during that early time in bright eyes' career, he was really close to Neely from TATW, so it would make sense that her nostalgia for a more innocent time, which seems apparent in this song, could be interwined with memories of conor.

"Now that I'm grown
I can't seem to find it
There is no tall tall grass
For me to hide in"

i could be WAY off. whatever the case, it really gets me when the piano comes in on the lines "i've been scared to say ... i've lined them up to fall."

Beach House – Holy Dances Lyrics 16 years ago
Her voice is so ghostly, so full of longing, in this song, especially the opening lines. It gives my heart a case of the haunted butterflies, if you know what I mean.

Beach House – Wedding Bell Lyrics 16 years ago
you're humming tomorrow's nursery rhyme"

*I hear: "Hopppp ... you're hoping tomorrow's never (?)"

"I tried to stay in line in our deaths
in our heads"

*I hear: "I try to stay alive, in our bed, in our head."

"Oh, is your heart still mine for sale?"

*I hear: Oh, is your heart still mine to save?

(maybe I just like that better).


I apologize if these are the official lyrics, my ears have deceived me before. If so, I'm sure someone will clarify. Thanks for putting this up.

I'm addicted to this song. Especially that funky little melody after "Is your heart still mine ..." I've had that in my head all day.

Beach House – Wedding Bell Lyrics 16 years ago
you're humming tomorrow's nursery rhyme"

*I hear: "Hopppp ... you're hoping tomorrow's never (?)"

"I tried to stay in line in our deaths
in our heads"

*I hear: "I try to stay alive, in our bed, in our head."

"Oh, is your heart still mine for sale?"

*I hear: Oh, is your heart still mine to save?

(maybe I just like that better).


I apologize if these are the official lyrics, my ears have deceived me before. If so, I'm sure someone will clarify. Thanks for putting this up.

I'm addicted to this song. Especially that funky little melody after "Is your heart still mine ..." I've had that in my head all day.

My Morning Jacket – Into the Woods Lyrics 17 years ago
should say "cultural symbols" not "stereotypes" in last post.

My Morning Jacket – Into the Woods Lyrics 17 years ago
i was talking to a fellow MMJ fan the other day about the meaning of the first two lines, which always seemed to catch me off-guard:

"A kitten on fire, a baby in a blender.
Both sound as sweet as a night of surrender."

it seems so over-the-top, I could never quite wrap my mind around it. here is a theory we came up with by the end of the conversation, however wrong it may be:

He is playing with cultural stereotypes with the shocking imagery (kitten on fire, baby in a blender). Kittens & Babies typically signify innocence and sappy preciousness; they can also represent naivety. The lyrics destruct this innocence in order to represent how, analagously, first love and/or sex (forms of 'surrender' in the metaphor) destroy innocence as well. For instance, think of how idealistic & lofty your interpretation of 'love' was before your first physical relationship. This is what you ultimately 'surrender,' - that blissful ignorance.

The following line "as sweet as a night of surrender" is sarcastic. Of course a kitten on fire or a baby in a blender don't actually sound 'sweet.' He's being ironic. This forfeiting of ones innocence is actually a sad thing, though we don't quite realize until it's gone. At the time though, the action (sex, for instance) seems beautiful, but a part of us is ultimately being destroyed irrevocably.

Hope this makes at least a little bit of sense, but no, I don't put much validity in it. I'm interested to hear what other people think about it.

The Decemberists – The Island: Come and See; The Landlord's Daughter; You'll Not Feel the Drowning Lyrics 17 years ago
I see some allusions to The Tempest as well: the attempted "rape" of Miranda by Caliban ("The Landlord's Daughter" - in The Tempest Caliban was Prospero's slave, and Miranda was Prospero's daughter. As well, Prospero asserts control over the island, much like that of a colonizer, and in that sense he can be seen as a "Landlord" of sorts) - and yes, the explicit reference to Sycorax. Other than that though, it all seems pretty ambiguous. Perhaps the song is half inspired by The Tempest and half a product of Meloy's vivid imagination. Though "little ugly, little fool" reflect Caliban's portrayal as an "ignorant savage" in the Tempest (at least from Prospero's descriptions), in the last scene of the play Caliban is actually pardoned after plotting to kill Prospero, so he doesn't drown or die.

I guess this is kind of a useless point after the post above me, but I just thought I would share Caliban's fate in the play for anyone that was curious.

thanks for sharing the info, Reynardthefox - that is really interesting.

The Decemberists – Shankill Butchers Lyrics 17 years ago
has anyone else read "Resurrection Man" by Eoin McNamee? It is largely inspired by Lenny Murphy of the Shankill Butchers (in the novel, he goes by "Victor"). It's worth a read - the language is some of the most brutally poetic I've encountered in prose.

The Decemberists – Eli, the Barrow Boy Lyrics 18 years ago
one more thing about the suicide interpretation: the fact that eli is dressed all in corduroy could be significant. because the song implies that he is very poor, having to try & sell coal & marigolds just to get by, it may also be that this corduroy outfit was his 'best suit.' think about it in context to a line from another decemberists song:

'& i don't know why she got all dolled up for a suicide'

he dressed up because he knew he was going to drown himself. could this be possible? someone please correct me if i'm obviously wrong.


The Decemberists – Eli, the Barrow Boy Lyrics 18 years ago
sorry, that should read "the only reason he works is in hopes that he might maker her life a little BETTER" not 'later'

The Decemberists – Eli, the Barrow Boy Lyrics 18 years ago
in my opinion, eli certainly did not kill his lover. they were probably buried in separate places because they were both poor, and when you're poor in the 19th century, they bury you where they can (unless your family owned a plot, etc.)

however, perhaps eli the barrow boy committed suicide. i'm not a person who jumps the gun & supposes every song is about suicide, but in this case it seems that the whole point of eli's life was to cater to his lover. the only reason he works is in hopes that he might make her life a little bit later; hence, when she died he had nothing to live for.

of course, he could have just drowned accidentally, the answer is ambiguous, but drowning was a much popular way to kill oneself back then, especially if you were poor & had no access to a gun or various poisons, etc.

that's my take on it.

The Decemberists – Grace Cathedral Hill Lyrics 18 years ago
i always thought it was "sweet autumn green-eyed girl," which i kind of like better, but the actual line is great as well. amazing song, especially for the new year.

The Microphones – Ice Lyrics 18 years ago
"so i stayed beneath as the water above me froze
from under the ice i saw you in warm clothes"

i love these lines. to me, they express emotional separation. to me the whole album represents how ephemeral something special (the glow) can be, but yet the urgency to seek it remains.

Joanna Newsom – Only Skin Lyrics 18 years ago
a truly amazing song. wow.

for those interested in joanna's bsides, check the "downloads" section of this site out ... i just stumbled across it:

Joanna Newsom – Clam, Crab, Cockle, Cowrie Lyrics 18 years ago
I definately think the song is about admiring somone from afar & wanting them to notice you, etc. of which has already been mentioned. pertaining to "your skin is something that i stir into my tea" i just think it's indicative of how wrapped up in this person she is ... she sees that person in everything, which forces symbolism onto even the most mundane daily activities; anything could trigger the thought of that person, and perhaps watching the milk dissolve into the tea she is reminded of that person's skin.

i also think that "some great bellies ache with many bumblebees" is an achingly beautiful line. it captures so well that feeling of seeing someone you have a crush on, or love/admire ...

Elliott Smith – Satellite Lyrics 19 years ago
I tend to side more with Nopoetic, I think the song is about confusion and disconnection from romance. The fact that he's the only one who "finds it strange when they call it a lovers moon" denotes that he is separated from the notion of love ... and perhaps confused by it. The "question mark" also implies confusion. Love doesn't come as easily and simply to him as it does to the people around him. So, in this sense, people "colliding" could just mean people falling in love, and he looks at them with awe and wonder because he doesn't understand how they do it so effortlessly.

Elliott Smith – Alphabet Town Lyrics 19 years ago
Kudos sadeyes, that was some really intriguing info. Thanks for sharing. I guess only Elliott could have told us the true meaning, but I always thought of "alphabet town" as a place that is really predictable and uneventful. Just like the alphabet, you always now what's coming next but you just wonder around like a ghost and talk to semi-strangers, etc. A truly beautiful song. Actually every song of Elliott's self-titled album haunts me.

Sufjan Stevens – The Dress Looks Nice on You Lyrics 19 years ago
geez, Raving Lunatic, i feel in debt to you for sharing these anectdotes. very poigant.

Sufjan Stevens – Size Too Small Lyrics 19 years ago
terrific insight, Raving Lunatic. thanks so much for posting. i was wondering what exactly \"size too small\" was referring to; i can\'t believe i didn\'t think about his suit. it\'s so obvious, and i tried to dig too deep and got confused. the fact that his suit was too small while he was watching Robin get married can also be seen as metaphorical too though. Sufjan spoke of the confusion of adolescence ... it\'s a time where you don\'t know who you are, and you always feel awkward and strange. almost like \"you don\'t fit in your clothes anymore.\"

Iron & Wine – Passing Afternoon Lyrics 19 years ago
i agree w/ tactforwit, but i also think it could be about a lost love who has gotten married and/or started a new life.

"But my hands remember hers, rolling around the shaded ferns
Naked arms, her secrets still like songs I'd never learned "

these lines seem to suggest that he can never know her now, all he has is the memory of her. i imagine this song takes place as he is imagining what her life is like.

Iron & Wine – Lion's Mane Lyrics 19 years ago
yes, fantasic lyrical song. for some reason i've always thought of the "lion's mane" as a metaphor. because being in a lion's mane would be the most dangerous and vulnerable place you could be because you're so close to the lion's mouth(comparing this analogy to love, it seems to make sense).

Iron & Wine – Promising Light Lyrics 19 years ago
"time & all you took
only my freedom to fuck the whole world
promising not to look
promising light on the sidewalk girls"

kimber, this is my take on the "sidewalk girls" stanza. the speaker is angry because he can't seem to get over this girl, and imagines all the things he is missing out on. the "sidewalk girls" represent all the girls he sees, and thinks are attractive, but cannot approach because of all the emotional baggage he's still carrying from the previous relationship.

"promising not to look" means that he feels guilty for checking out girls, because on some level he still feels like he should be faithful to the girl he has lost, even though she is gone; he still feels like he belongs to her.

does this make sense?

Arcade Fire – In the Backseat Lyrics 19 years ago
to me, the "backseat" is a metaphor for living a life that you are no longer in control of emotionally.

the imagery of a family tree "losing its leaves" and the line "alice died," seemed to suggest that a family member of hers has died ( i imagine a younger sister or something). after this, the speaker in the song simply can't function and spends her life in the "backseat," letting other people make decisions for her because she simply doesnt care anymore. the fact that the speaker watches dreamily from a window while other people are "driving" her, and also the word "asleep" imply more passivity.

as for "i've been learning to drive my whole life," maybe this traumatic event (a sibling or other family member dying) happened when she was very young and she never recovered from it. she's been gradually learning how to cope but she still isn't ready to take the wheel.

i could be completely wrong about the details, but nevertheless this is a beautiful song.

Elliott Smith – Pretty (Ugly Before) Lyrics 19 years ago
i think, more appropriately, it should be that "not every elliott song is about suicide," because his songs do often carry alot of overt allusions to drugs.

to me, this song is about using drugs as a crutch to escape low self-esteem. maybe he feels unworthy of the person he is with, and escapes into the self-glorified world of drugs:

only a passing phase
and i'll feel pretty
another hour or two

these lines to me represent the duration of a drug high, whether that being cocaine or heroine. probably the former, but i could be wrong. i know elliott was experimenting with crack and heroine, as well as a plethora of other drugs throughout the course of this final album.

Elliott Smith – No Name #1 Lyrics 19 years ago
nice interpretation sunshine. this is probably in my top three elliott songs.

to me, it represents the irony of feeling completely isolated and alone, even in a huge crowd of people. he knows he doesn't "belong there." maybe he feels inferior because he sees this beautiful girl who is "saint like" to him, which only heightens his insecurity and sense of isolation. wow - just a great song, the whole Roman Candle album is just so emotionally pure and raw; probably because he never even meant to release it. he recorded it alone in the basement of his apartment, and only decided to put it out after someone he let hear it begged to produce it.

Elliott Smith – Flowers for Charlie Lyrics 19 years ago
"charlie" is actually smith's childhood step-father who was a pervading source of strife and pent-up resentment in his life. smith had suspicions that charlie may have physically (or sexually) abused him as a child. whatever the case, charlie was a very dark force in his life. this song was written (i believe) after charlie sent a letter to elliott saying he was a changed man and apologizing for the abuse (though he denied the sexual abuse). i believe this song was elliott's small way of forgiving him.

Elliott Smith – The Last Hour Lyrics 19 years ago
possibly the most haunting song from elliott's final, subsequently posthumous release. the lyrical content points toward the end of a relationship, but i can't help but be reminded of his suicide with recurring lines like "make it over" (yes, i know it's an ongoing argument whether or not it was actually a suicide. i believe it was) the line "don't keep my around" suggests that someone else is making the choice as whether to end it - possibly a relationship he feels trapped in, but can't gather enough will power to end. he thinks of all the things he sacrificed in order to prolong this dying relationship, and has basically given up on trying to fix the situation. one of elliott's greatest. i'll miss him.

Beck – Lost Cause Lyrics 19 years ago
hi madison. ok ... your first post, and this is just my take on the song:

"there's a place you are going
you ain't never been before"

[ considering beck wrote this song after a long relationship turned sour, i take this as meaning that they've been together so long that they can't remember what life was like for them without eachother]

"there's no one laughing at your back now
no one standing at your door
is that what you thought love was for?"

[he feels like he's weighing her down, and keeping her from living her life. "standing at your door" just emphasizes how they spent every day together, he is constantly "at her door." and "is that what you thought love was for" just implies to me the misconceptions we all have about love. IMO, it's supposed to be sarcastic.

your second post is a bit easier for me.

"leave you here wearing your wounds"

[basically he's saying he has decided to end it, even if it hurts her (wearing her wounds) i.e. emotional wounds]

"waving your guns at somebody new"

[either she has already found somebody new, or he feels replaceable and that she will in the near future (my opinion is with the latter). he's imagining her with someone else, and basically he's saying that she'll probably end up fighting (waving your guns) with him everyday too.

Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Y Control Lyrics 20 years ago
i personally disagree about the lesbian interpretation, although i could be wrong. i take "i wish i could buy back the woman you stole" as her saying that this guy has scarred her permanently and she'll never be able to recapture who she was before the relationship. so, in my interpreation "the woman" is actually herself. does this make sense to anyone else?

fantastic song. i love the "Y" chromosome theory too, i always just thought she was saying "why control?" ... like asking this guy why he always has to try and control her.

Godspeed You! Black Emperor – Hung Over As the Queen in Maida Vale Lyrics 20 years ago
can someone please tell me which gybe! cd this is from.

Múm – Green Grass of Tunnel Lyrics 20 years ago
this song provokes a plethora of emotional responses; múm always seem to incite childhood memories in me; listening to them is an almost transcendental experience. someone needs to put up the lyrics to "land between solar systems" - probably my favorite by múm (followed closely by the song above)

Elliott Smith – Between the Bars Lyrics 20 years ago
have you guys ever considered that "between the bars" refers to a star constellation. i've heard the "bars of Orion" referenced many times, and elliott says "look at the stars" right before "i'll kiss you again, between the bars"

just something to think about; sometimes it's right on the surface (that line at least)

Pearl Jam – I Am Mine Lyrics 21 years ago
yes . i believe individuality is the key element to this song. it's kind of like we're all confined to our own perceptions ... so ultimately though we're constantly surrounded by people we're actually all alone. ("i only know my mind") we'll never have a chance to be someone else, or be inside someone else's mind which makes individuality such isolation.

also though, i think it's saying that you should do what you really want with your life instead of letting society and culture guide you. ("the in-between is mind") birth and death are certainties but what you do in the time your alotted should be your own personal choice.

Bush – Bomb Lyrics 21 years ago
gavin said this was about a man who walked into a jewelry store strapped with explosives and blew the place to ashes. i think in this song he speaks of how the man will never know the pain the families of the victims will feel.

Bush – Everything Zen Lyrics 21 years ago
this song is so congested and cluttered with imagery. i don't know what to think of it really. it's GREAT to listen to though, the meaning is just a little obscure, maybe purposely.

Bush – Inflatable Lyrics 21 years ago
i look at is this way. if you're "inflatable" for someone, then they are the only person who has the potential to fill you up (to make you happy), but on the same level they also have the potential of sucking the air out of you, leaving you lifeless. i think this song is about loving someone so much that you continually forgive them for their infidelities, because you feel like they're the only one who could ever truly make you happy.

Bush – Inflatable Lyrics 21 years ago
i don't have anything to say that hasn't been said, although i have a different opinion for the song title "inflatable", and when he uses the phrase "i'm inflatable for you". i take it like this: when you begin to obsess over someone, or really fall in love with them, they become the only thing that can make you happen ... or in other words the only thing that can "fill you up". i think he is saying that this girl is the only one who has the potential to make him happy, or she also has the potential to suck the air out of him and leave him lifeless. just my opinion.

Bush – Cold Contagious Lyrics 21 years ago
"Reality daytrips and your suit me, suit me ways
Turn out the light switch, we've been awake for days
And no-one's coming round here no more, no-one's coming round here"

* the first part of this reminds me of how when you're in a relationship, sometimes the person your with is always needing more and more pieces of you. or maybe you have to continually do things to suit the person your with in order for them to want to be with you. the second part of this paragraph is actually one of my favorite parts of the song "turn out the like switch , we've been awake for days". sometimes when depression really hits you hard (in this case, over a relationship gone bad) you always feel so tired all the time. no matter how much sleep you get, you always feel like you've been awake for days. it's like your mind is in so much pain and struggle that it continually tries to convince you to go back to sleep so it can rest. finally, the last part is just another impication of feeling abandoned by everyone, or more particularly, one certain person.

"Cold contagious, all the might mighty men
What you save is what you lose out in the end
Cold contagious, cold contagious"

*i think this is where i get the real meaning of the song. what it makes me think about is how when you're depressed, you eventually start to spread that darkness to the people you love ... the people who are around you most often. as if "depression (cold) is contagious". he realizes that the reason this girl couldn't stay with him is because his constant depression was making her become depressed as well. i see the "what you save is what you lose out in the end" line as a direct statement of his negativity. kind of like saying "why should we try to live life and strive to be happy or succesfully , when ultimately, in the end we all die"

"Paint your perfect day, I don't mind this
I'm better off by the way, deeply grounded"

* what a perfect ending to this song. a very sad and hopeless ending, but probably my favorite two lines. he realizes that the girl will be so much happier without him, but he still resents her for it. gavin says something that is so simple is such a beautiful and poetic way. alot of times people who are depressed fall in love with it, and will give up people that they love before they will change. so in the end i think he's saying "go on and have your perfect, happy life without me, because i can only be myself if i'm depressed"

thanks to anyone who took the time to read this. hopefully i'll read a few more interpretations for this song.

Bush – Cold Contagious Lyrics 21 years ago
my interpretation (not necassarily what gavin may have been trying to express, but rather the connection i have with the lyrics): i will split the song up into 2 sections

(first half of song)

"Wherever you are, you will carry always
Truth of the scars and darkness of your faith"

*this has always reminded me of depression. the "truth" may take the form of a scar. like looking in a mirror, the honesty you collect from yourself causing pain and suffering that you can never shed.

"Slowly move on, how did we get to here
It all went wrong, gravity claiming all your tears
Everything looks so much better now, so much better now "

*possibly in a relationship, when love goes wrong you find yourself backtracking through the relationship trying to figure out what you did wrong, and why you always had a unbelievable talent at making her cry. the last line "everything's is so much better now" is like a lie that you tell yourself. you rationalize it and conclude that you'd be better off without her, but inside you know it's nothing more than a lie. when gavin sings this you can hear the pain in his voice, somehow implying that everything isn't in fact "all better now"

(chorus)"You will get yours, you will get yours, you will get yours .You have no right to ask me now, you were never that around. I have missed "

*he feels abandoned by this person (possibly a girl from a relationship), and resents her for it. she comes back and tries to show him kindness, possibly to try and be his friend, but instead of accepting this he tries to mentally push her away, and can only comfort himself either by either by hoping that one day she'll get hurt just as bad by someone (you will get yours), or he may be saying that after he shows her how much her abandonment has caused him to hate her, she'll hurt as well (you will get yours)

Bush – Cold Contagious Lyrics 21 years ago
this is quite possibly my favorite song of all time, although the nostalgia this song carries with me may influence that. i bought razorblad suitcase when i was 12-13(i'm nineteen now), and that was when i really first starting getting into music. every time i got depressed (very often) i would put this song in, and when i haven't listened to it in a while, and turn it on, this overwhelming wave of nostalgia and memories floods me. this song has a special place inside of me, a place no other song can ever have ...

Marilyn Manson – Tourniquet Lyrics 21 years ago
just a little extra info: in the beginning when you here manson whispering something into the microphone he is saying "this is my most vulnerable moment" backwards.

Nine Inch Nails – Closer Lyrics 21 years ago
what kills me about this song is when people try to say that trent is speaking of god, as in christianity's god. the word "god" is lower-case for a reason. sex has become one of society's many gods, alot of people worship sex in a sense ... just like in "starfukers", trent speaks of how people idolize media stars and hold them up like gods ("my god pouts on the cover of a magazine").

Bright Eyes – The Awful Sweetness of Escaping Sweat Lyrics 21 years ago
these are perhaps one of my favorite lyrical songs from conor. it's saddening that the only version i can find is scratch and low-quality ... i would really like to see him touch this up musically because it has the potential of being one of his best songs.

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