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Madonna – Bedtime Story Lyrics 21 years ago
I'm not exactly sure what it is about this song that I like so much. I'm actually very much into words, linguistics, and etymology, so the thought of not using words ever again, or that they would ever become ‘useless’, is a bit disturbing. But I still really like this song. The heavy techno beat really appeals to me. The video is outstanding, and is my second favorite Madonna video, falling behind 'Ray of Light.' Its a very lyrically simplistic. That combined with the concept of just letting go completely, 'getting unconscious' is what seduces me the most about this song.

Baz Luhrmann – Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen) Lyrics 22 years ago
The lyrics to Everybody's Free (to Wear Sunscreen), is by Mary Schmich. The person performing the spoken-word song is Quindon Tarver. If you want more information on the history/evolution of this piece, visit: OR,
, OR you can look up the actual article itself: ADVICE, LIKE YOUTH, PROBABLY JUST WASTED ON THE YOUNG , Chicago Tribune; Chicago, Ill.; Jun 1, 1997; Mary Schmich. Hope this helps with the confusion of the origins of this song.

Basia – Copernicus Lyrics 22 years ago
I'm so pleased to see this (Basia lyrics) here. This site is awesome. No more stumbeling around the www looking for incorrect lyrics.

Nick Drake – Cello Song Lyrics 22 years ago
This is my favorite Nick Drake song. Drake's music is the kind of music I have been searching for all my life. I'm so glad to have finally discovered him. I love it when I recognize his music when used in a movie soundtrack. When I mention him to other people, most don't have a clue as to who I am talking about. I just wish he would have lived longer. Who knows what else he could have created.

Meryn Cadell – The Sweater Lyrics 22 years ago
This spoken-word song rocks!! The only recording I have had of it is one I took of the radio years ago. Just recently I was able to purchase a copy of the CD that this song comes from, 'Angel Food For Thought.' from E-bay's Meryn has a web site. The address is: It has info on her and her other works. It also has a great FAQ section about whether 'Angel Food For Thought' will be re-released or not. Check it out!!

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