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Modest Mouse – Grey Ice Water Lyrics 18 years ago
Alaska carries a certain mystique to people in the's the end of the world, a place to go to forget all of your troubles. Case in point.

The Decemberists – My Mother Was a Chinese Trapeze Artist Lyrics 19 years ago
This song was mentioned in a recent article on the band in Seattle\'s The Stranger (web: Apparently it\'s Colin\'s fantastic retelling of his family history and probably the first Decemberists song of them all.

Bright Eyes – Burn Rubber (Simon Joyner cover) Lyrics 19 years ago
The version he did on KCRW is pretty neat. He says that it's the best driving song ever (or something like that) and actually makes a strong effort to duplicate that feel.

The version on the Take it Easy single, on the other hand, is just dumb. The music and the vocals don't really have anything to do with each other (yes, I'm aware that it's mostly car doors slamming), and any effect that one aspect of the song creates is destroyed by the other. Oh well, that's what B-sides are for.

Matthew Good Band – Haven't Slept In Years Lyrics 19 years ago
It's about John Merrick (the "Elephant Man"). Well, the first verse at least. Someone else can figure out the second one.

Arcade Fire – Une Annee Sans Lumiere Lyrics 19 years ago
Okay, I think I have a translation of the French. Note that the above lyrics are slightly mistyped; check your CD booklet (or the band's website) for the right ones.

"A year without lights. I ride a horse who wears blinders"
"The night, my eyes alight you. Don't tell your father that he wears blinders"

Sufjan Stevens – Holland Lyrics 19 years ago
Sufjan attended Hope College in Holland, so it's a safe bet to assume that this song relates to college experiences.

Structurally, it's pretty neat; all the verses have seven syllables, and he makes good use of slant rhymes. The sort of thing one might write for (or study in) a college poetry class, in fact.

Xiu Xiu – Clowne Towne Lyrics 19 years ago
Realised is the Queen's English version of realized, so...

This song offers a good contrast between mood and lyrical content. Fun to listen to despite the fact that he's singing about how he and the people he knows had all these aspirations and everything has fallen apart. Where would the world be without ironic pop songs?

Rainer Maria – Atlantic Lyrics 19 years ago
The whole Atlantic EP is about leaving Wisconsin and moving to New York. "Nuts to the past, let's go east and find something new".

Rainer Maria – Rise Lyrics 19 years ago
"Nobody listens to me. Well, I'll show them!" or something to that effect.

Okkervil River – Westfall Lyrics 19 years ago
Country music was made for singing about murder, and this song is about how we just want to condemn people who do bad things without bothering to think about what may have caused them to do those things.

Or maybe it's just that you never can tell who the bad apple is going to be, take your pick.

R.E.M. – New Test Leper Lyrics 19 years ago
The band's "first line Jesus song", it's a comment on the fact that religious people have a habit of criticizing others for not following the Bible and then turning around and doing the same thing themselves.

Sufjan Stevens – A Good Man Is Hard to Find Lyrics 19 years ago
It's supposedly based on the Flannery O'Connor story of the same name. I've only read a small part of it, but surely someone who has can step in and add to this, yes?

Rilo Kiley – It's a Hit Lyrics 19 years ago
This is probably the weakest song Jenny has written. Sure, it sounds nice, but the lyrics are inane. Railing against hypocrisy just isn't an interesting basis for a song, and the George Bush is a chimpanzee bit is about the oldest joke about the man that there is. They should've known better.

Jeff Buckley – Forget Her Lyrics 19 years ago
It's really rather simple. It's all her fault, it's always been her fault, and that's all there is to it. Then again, it's not like there's any other way to go about a song like this.

Jeff Buckley – Dream Brother Lyrics 19 years ago
The version on the Live a L'Olympia album is extra-creepy. The last line becomes

"Asleep in the ground with your family watching over
Dead in the sand with the ocean washing over"

That certainly puts a new spin on things, eh?

Xiu Xiu – Hives Hives Lyrics 20 years ago
The original version of this song (by Jamie's band IBOPA) is...amusing. The music is energetic and the chorus is shouted out in a way completely different to the way this song works.

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