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Sonic Youth – Swimsuit Issue Lyrics 3 months ago
@[Dementedfly:50280] swimming as in the colloquial term "He's swimming in the cash!" as in there is so much of it, he will be swimming in it. Its a nice literary play between the title of the song, colloquial english slang (east coast), and the meaning of the statement, and of course, a very wonderful visual after the beautifully dictated array of unique women's names.

Sonic Youth – Swimsuit Issue Lyrics 3 months ago
Its about sexual harassment and how awful the music industry is to women. Honestly up until about 2010, it will still male dominated and extremely misogynistic, still is, but hardly what it was before this. Especially as a musician, I have had people tell me I cannot even go on stage... to play my own show, because I was female.

Swimsuit issues generally have women on display, not necessarily swimsuits. Nobody remembers the swimsuits, but it was common for men to have copies of these magazines laying around before the internet was a thing. It was like, soft core playboy.

The idea is that the women Kim Gordon is exemplifying is struggling with an industry that treats her like she is on display for men's use and abuse. When she goes through the names, she's going through the names of the women in the magazine photos, which is also metaphorical of all the women that have been hired to work menial jobs in the industry and then just thrown away like trash because of the femininity. I was proposed so many times by dudes I worked with, only to later down the line, be totally disregarded for positions and jobs that not only was I overqualified for, but jobs I would have been very successful at. Only because the guy doing the hiring didn't want me around his wife because he'd be afraid that his rude ass perverted behavior towards me would surface. All of this is totally unacceptable, but it happens and it did happen ALL THE TIME.

When I say being female in the music industry sucks, I'm not lying. You can be the best at your instrument and job and still be treated like a nobody and just a sexual object, and then set up to fail because those guys don't want their secrets out. That's why Kim mentions "well now you are on the news!"

Its a terrible industry, and the purpose of my visiting this site is my intention to do a cover song version of it. I know Geffen is really strict with the use of their copyrighted and licensed material, so I will probably have a really hard time accessing any sort of permission to do so, but I will still create my own version of this song. I have been waiting 30 years to do so, full of my own true experiences.

In the end, all of those women in the bathing suit issues of sports illustrated or whatever end up having sentience and souls, they aren't just objects... but the situation is more complex. Are you just a name on a list of some gross ass business dude's list of captured prey, or are you a person?

I'm swimmin, I'm swimmin, I am swimming in the vast plethora of women thrown into the sewers by these jackasses who care nothing about talent, capability, humanity, and only about their "whammy" (as is whammy bar on guitar flopping like a weiner)

Tyler, the Creator – New Magic Wand Lyrics 10 months ago
Verde 1 : using some glass from a photo frame to make a runway for some fine lines
Refrain : what happens to all the magical goodies , they go real fast. Like whoop! It's magic
Verse 2: get your own fuckin 8 ball man , this cut ass shit is nasty , when I get the good it's all mine. get your own
Chorus: please don't make my sack get smaller
Passenger in your car (early century slang for I wanna get high)
Just got a magic wand (sweet. Glass pipe)
We can finally be together (time to schmoke)

Roll dice, 7 (eught balllll)
Not much first time whooop
Evaporate schmoke we celebrate ooo up the nose
Your under oath yo I'm judging the effectiveness of this roa
Pick a side or I'll pick you both (haha nostrils)
RUN RUN RUN runny nose
It's not a joke (fuck yeah it is)
I'm doing all this COKE and DOPE bahaha
Murder she wrote (because he killing it with these nose coke jokes )

***Musical entourage in the bathroom with the picture frame and drugs on top of the glass ... Snorts the drugs... Woo woo woo woo initial yippee guggila guggula shreed shreed feeling... Stares at self***

No more fear besides reasonable existential , no fetching balls by getting addicted and having to go back and get more 8balls, eyes are green I eat my vegetables (a saying that counteracted stupid behaviors back in the day) has nothing to do with that broad (heroine) Blow the whole spot up bahahags

I wanna be your other one keep it on the low (keep the high on the down low) play with words , in my right mind keep it on the high (yeah yeah)

Janis Joplin spilling feelings (why that fool gotta make her drug use so obvious and so deadly?)
Pack up your bags bahaha put that shit away in yo baggies
Grab our supplies (drug paraphernalia)
No need for masks (no need to hide it)
Bust through the door (literally of the bathroom)
Annoying jackass interrupting your emergence from that beautiful moment looks "concerned" ... shut up fool I eat my vegetables

Sometimes you have to close (a bathroom door) to open up a window (to flying away weeeeee) plus you open the window anyways so the schmoke waifs off

Tl;Dr - cocaine, crack cocaine or crystal meth use with a glass pipe and/or nasal inhalation with a sharp disdain and comparison with highly addictive downers and justification for such "unhealthy behavior" with "healthy behaviors" simultaneously using slag and hilarious plays on words and the visual nature of the elements of music to create a scene and the most plausibly deniable song, ever

Tyler the creator probably has an IQ that exceeds the top 5 percentile of the worlds most intelligent population . This fool dresses up like that coke head European privilege dude at random Hollywood parties and goes on stage making fun of all the dipshits in the audience. . . and not only are they clueless but they love it too. His performances make it funnier...Hilarious beyond my ability to comprehend. And his musicianship is commendable. He makes his own samples and beats and records every sound and sample himself. I assume he is someone who laughs himself to sleep every night and lives a very happy life. Nothing better than the timeless joke that only you know about....

Deftones – Rx Queen Lyrics 10 months ago
It's about catching HIV and IV drug use. Can't stop following you - addicted, fly - high, if you sting me I won't mind - share needle get high together and feel ethereal temporary happiness . Moon fire - drugs , carcass - the dying bodies they occupy , feed off the virus - feeding off the desire for girl with blood borne virus (HIV, hep, etc) and thefeeding off addiction simultaneously.

See a red light in June - "stop" feeling , something ends abruptly .. red lights vs blue lights. Public bathroom uses blue lights or red lights to keep users from being able to see veins/arteries to locate injection sites. Newborn baby blue - overdose but not necessarily death

Now we're all the virus - the coexistence of blood borne illnesses often spread by substance users sharing needles and the noticably correctness of the nature in both addiction and virus and desire for the connection with the romantic partner spread as a sort of convoluted blended idea of interdependence

Sting repeated - the first person observation of this chaotic spread and new ability to now easily recognize the initial same darkness emerging in countless others willfully ignorant to it's power

This is how I interpret it anyways .

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