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Herman's Hermits – No Milk Today Lyrics 2 years ago
@[AlanOldie:39557] It's even sadder than that. A couple might live in a flat or a bungalow, three rooms on one level. Two up, two down is a house for people planning on starting a family. But all his hopes and dreams have ended when his love went away.

I remember milk deliveries. One thing was, milk right from the dairy was pasteurized but not homogenized unless you asked for "homo milk". :) So, when you removed the pog (a replaceable cardboard seal) the top of the bottle was filled with cream, perfect for your coffee or cereal.

There was a little wire cage the bottles went into, to keep critters from messing with the milk. The note on changes to standard orders was printed by the dairy and had checkboxes so no one had to read anyone's handwriting.

We lived outside of town and so got deliveries only three days a week. The weekend order usually included a treat like chocolate milk, or eggnog in the winter. The dairy man also delivered eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, and in one place we lived, Danish pastries.

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