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Iwrestledabearonce – Doomed to Fail, Part 2 Lyrics 2 years ago
Elon musk got me listening to this song.\n\nIn a straight way, it conveys taking risks even if it is "doomed to fail", chasing and hunting your dreams, and not giving up on what you believe in("I would rather burn" like a fire).\n\nFeels like to me there are two inner voices talking here:\n\nSome part of the inner voice looks us down and gives us countless reasons why not to try and work hard. And there is a little voice that doesn\'t care and makes you push your limits (doing uncomfortable things) even if the goal seems impossible. You keep believing the impossible and getting wiser with every failure, with time the inner voice goes away and you are free.

Train – When I Look To The Sky Lyrics 2 years ago
I strongly feel this song is about being patient and holding on to your dream when everyone seems ahead of you and you feel like you are behind. "I just want time, wait again I will be much better then, holding on i said, i will be better then". You know when you achieve you dreams you will be much better. "Are you close, shouldn't it come to you naturally, and everyone knows, you are loosing you gift and its plain to see" even after working hard for your dreams you ask yourself "shouldn't it come naturally" and people around you knows you are loosing time because they want you to settle(maybe for a job "at that age, i cherished the flower beneath my feet"). But you don't care, you know you will be alive next year and you can make somthing good if you give yourself time and don't give up on your dream "look at the sky i am still here, i will be alive next year, i can something good". I might be slightly drunk, but this is how I can relate to this song.

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