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The Beatles – Baby You're a Rich Man Lyrics 4 years ago
@[airforbes1:34766] The original lyric was “keep all your money in a big brown bag, inside the Louvre, what a thing to do”, (referring to Musee du Louvre, art museum in Paris) What does the money in a big brown bag have to do with the Louvre? Ringo had an idiosyncratic preference for being paid in cash in an undistinguished brown bag. The Beatles had toured Paris that year and while at the Louvre Ringo mused that with so much security guarding the paintings and sculpture, the Louvre would be a good place to keep his cash safe. The Louvre was better than a British bank. Ringo was paranoid about British banks and where to put his cash and avoid taxes. The Paris based Louvre was that place to keep it hidden from the highly taxing British government. So Louvre, the hang out for beautiful people also became the place to keep Ringo’s bag of cash. The song is primarily a message to Epstein, a nerd as a youngster, who loved hanging with this crowd of beautiful people.

Why would Ringo put his bag of money in the zoo? It doesn’t make sense unless you understand that Epstein was wary of copyright objections and asked the Beatles to change it. Ringo volunteered the word Zoo, it substituted well in the lyric, was used and assumed to be the original verse ever since.

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